* Is sex in society a taboo or an obligation? *

Sexuality is a very present theme in the life of the human being, not in vain is it directly related to our reproduction. Sex, apart from being the behavior on which human reproduction depends, has also become a social act where there is an exchange of affection or pleasure. One of the questions that arise from it is: how is sex seen in society?

Throughout history, sexuality has been lived in many different ways. There have been periods of some sexual liberation, along with other more puritanical times. Today, we live in a moment where sex plays a strange role. Despite the sexual liberation that has occurred in recent decades, we still find sexuality an uncomfortable subject in certain contexts.

However, despite continuing to present itself as a taboo, we find references to sex everywhere. From the publicity to the private conversations of a group of friends, sex would be that ghost that is and is not everywhere. Becoming for many a vital goal and above many other needs. So, is sex in society a taboo or an obligation? In this article we will analyze the two perspectives in search of an answer.

               Sex in society as a taboo

Mention the words "pussy", "penis", "coitus", "condom", etc. in some contexts it causes many people to put their hands on their heads. It is curious that something as basic as sexuality provokes these reactions. In addition, the taboo is not only restricted to "politically correct" situations, it can also be found in many families or even in schools or institutes. It seems that sex is not a family or school issue.

That sex in society is seen as a taboo, especially in the family or in education, has serious consequences. Throughout our life, this is going to have its own role, both in terms of biological and social development. If we treat sexuality as something uncomfortable and ignore it, we will fall into sexual education deficits. An education that needs an honest and open dialogue.

Sex education underlies the growth of an individual a way of living healthy sexuality. It is only necessary to review the causes of sexual dysfunctions and their high prevalence in the population; Most of the problems related to sex are derived from the existence of an anxiety associated with sexual relations. And this is largely due to the multiple myths and sexual prejudices that move away from reality.

Sexuality is an essential part of our life, and if we want to enrich ourselves in it, we would do well not to treat it as taboo. Thus, only with education, research and dialogue can we put an end to the myths that surround it.

               Sex in society as an obligation

In contrast to the vision of sexual taboo, we also find that sex permeates our surroundings. The clearest example is that of advertising, where ideas are shuffled to sell an ice cream or a shampoo like putting a woman having an orgasm. We also find movies and series where sex is presented in a disproportionate way or even occupying a central role.

The problem with this is not that sex is shown everywhere, the problem is the presentation of it in an unreal and exacerbated way. Advertising, movies, pornography, etc. has managed to turn sex into society as a vital objective of excessive importance. This has led to the fact that in spite of still having shades of taboo, sex in society has become an obligation.

This is reflected in a multitude of easily observable events on a day to day basis. It is easy to imagine the shame and anxiety that a teenager or young person feels to be a virgin, or the anxiety of a person to meet the sexual expectations of their partner. These examples show us the toxicity of seeing sex as an obligation.

Just as taboo implied a bad sex education, seeing it as an obligation as well. Unrealizable expectations and social pressures provoke an anxiety that easily leads to dysfunctions and sexual disorders of various kinds.

It is important to change the conception we have of sex, to stop seeing it as a taboo or an obligation. Sexuality is a set of human behaviors that can bring many benefits to any person. We should not make the mistake of spoiling it with a bad sex education or a bad vision of sex in society.

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         All the images were taken from the public domain

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