* 10 questions you must ask to make sense of your life *

There are days when we get up and ask ourselves why we are with a person who does not love us or does not respect us, why do we go every day to work in a job that we are not passionate about, or why in general we do not have the life we ​​had dreamed.

All these questions lead us to reflect on a series of choices that we have made throughout our existence and that perhaps have not been our choices, or are paths that we have chosen out of fear, for lack of courage to live our dreams. There are a series of questions we can ask ourselves to make sense of our lives and know if we are living what we want. Next, we propose 10.

"Only if I feel worthy to be the way I am, can I accept myself, can I be authentic, can I be true."
-Jorge Bucay-

How do you see your life in 5 years?

Think for a moment, how would your life be within 5 years; if you will continue in the situation in which you are. Maybe the idea of ​​that future makes you happy and you do not want to change anything or maybe, the idea of ​​that future is something you do not want to live. Our exercise should consist of reflecting on whether the life we ​​lead now leads us to that ideal of dreamed life that we want or have to change the things we do.

What would you do if you werent afraid?

Fear is paralyzing and when it comes to leaving our comfort zone we invent any excuse to complain without doing anything to find solutions and change what bothers us. Think about what you would do if you were not afraid, what would you dare, visualize that situation that you would like to live and do it without fear, how do you feel?

"The really important thing is to fight to live life, to suffer it and to enjoy it, to lose with dignity and to dare again. Life is wonderful if you're not afraid of it. "
-Charles Chaplin-

What are your 3 best talents?

Sometimes, we see all our shortcomings, but we are not able to appreciate our talents. What is the best thing you do? What do you love? And the most important question: Do you dedicate yourself to it? These questions will make us think about what we highlight and why we do not dedicate ourselves to what we like the most.

What is the most important thing in your life?

For a moment think about what is most important in your life, what makes you really happy, and reflect on whether that something is in your life or not. Maybe the time has come to change something or change everything.

What is the dream of your childhood that you have fulfilled?

Each of us has a dream of children that we imagined fulfilled as adults. Think about what you dreamed about when you were little and what has happened so that you are not living that dream anymore. In addition, you can think about what things you can do to gradually approach your childhood dream.

Are you holding onto something that you should let go?

We tend to cling to things or people that we should really let go, because they do not bring us anything good, because they hurt us or because it is time to evolve and change. It is important to learn to let go, it will hurt, but as time goes by, we will realize that sometimes you have to let go of things or people so that new air enters our life.

Do you live your life to be happy or to make others happy?

If we think carefully about our lives, we can sometimes realize that we are living and choosing what makes others happy, not what makes us happy. It is not a matter of giving satisfaction to others but of being happy. Actually, people who love us, want to see us happy, but they must distinguish between what they think makes us happy and what makes us really happy.

What would you do differently in your life if you know that no one will judge you?

The opinion of other people is something that we fear whenever we consider changing something in our life, but imagine that nobody is going to judge you, what would you change in your life? Like the fear of what will happen if we change, we are afraid of what others think.

Do you dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about?

Many times we complain about our work, our boss, our schedules, our co-workers, but we do not do anything to change that, out of fear, through the opinions of others, to not change anything, even if we do not like it. We settle, without daring to risk living our life to the fullest.

If you had a month to live, how would you use it?

We waste a lot of time on social networks, with your mobile or with television, but ask yourself if you would do that in the case where you have a month left to live. Surely not, that we would dedicate ourselves to enjoying every second of the people we love, of the places we like, of every little detail that makes us happy. And why do not we start now?

"I felt an immense desire to live again when I discovered that the meaning of my life was what I wanted to give it."
-Paulo Coelho-

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  * Why it's important not to leave things unfinished *

             * Pareidolia, see ways where there are not *

                     * the best revenge is not revenge *   

                              * a break is not a failure *

         All the images were taken from the public domain

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             I'm waiting for your visit for the next time


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