I Want to Write with YOU!

This morning I found an email in my inbox from the director of the Ivy Tech Center for Lifelong Learning. I teach locally through the CLL and love it. My classes are all nonfiction and cover memoir, narrative techniques, blogging and writing after war for veterans. Most of you aren't local to Bloomington, IN. No worries. I also teach online.


My class for the Center for Creative Writing is a 5 week customized course called Writing through Trauma to Truth. My next session begins January 16. I only have two spots left, so if you have some difficult topics you want to write through safely (or if you just want to learn more about how people engage trauma in writing), now is the time to get signed up. You can do that here.

I do not come to you without qualifications. I mentioned the letter from the CLL director because it included this gem from a memoir student of mine:

“My class exceeded expectations. The instructor is an exceptional teacher and her experience both as a professional and as a human being makes her an ideal writing instructor... The brief 5 weeks I spent as her student have profoundly changed my writing, my goals, and my sense of hope that maybe, just maybe, I can write this memoir.”

I have been teaching Creative Writing one-on-one and in groups for 11 years. I specialize is supporting the release of hard stories, but that can also mean breaking through blocks and finding your voice. I am so happy to be able to teach through the many venues that have hosted me, including the Spring #Write2theEnd WriteAway Retreat. This year I have already taught my first home-based workshop with a co-facilitator. I have a retreat coming up in October, and two others tentatively scheduled.


Basically, I love to write with people. I would love to write with you. If you have a story to tell, find me in one of my online homes. Let's build castles out of paragraphs.

Connect with me at The Honeyed Quill.

Take classes (or coaching!) with me online at the Center for Creative Writing.

If you are local, join one of my classes at Ivy Tech in Bloomington.

I can't wait to write with you!

images from pixabay.com

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