Raise Your Steem Power Through Persuasion

This is not the article you are looking for.

Jedi Mind Trick

@cryptoctopus wrote an article that is a great example of persuasion and it's ability. How to invite influencers on the platform and how I got Max Keiser on Steemit.com

This is not that article.

However, I want to share with you the lessons of persuasion I have been learning through the Persuasion Reading List put together by Scott Adams.

Reading isn't hard, but we all have different schedules.

My plan is to add value to your life with a series of articles about each of the books that I read from the list and other insights from my own life and perspective sprinkled in.

So follow me to power up!

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Admittedly, if you are like me you like to follow your own interests rather than someone else's suggestions

With that in mind, I “skipped” Scott’s suggested Chapter 1:Things You Can Stop Believing.

Instead I jumped right in to Chapter 2 - Stretching your Imagination.

And the first offering was Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

My first introduction to Jonathan Livingston Seagull was this [Key & Peele “Prepared for Terries”]
() training video.

I was curious.

If you too want to know more, check back for my next article about this quick read.

It had my mind spinning in a wave of conceptual consideration.

Follow me if you are ready to fly

Because you never know who you are going to meet...



The guide:

*Introduction to Persuasion Series
*First Flight: Imagination and Persuasion
*Comming Soon…Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

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2 columns
1 column