Mission Erased - Part 9 - Love

The writing prompt was:

"Mission Erased: an alien is transferred into a human body on a supposed research mission, but something goes wrong and he doesn't remember the mission, his training or any information about Earth, just his normal life on his home planet from before joining the program..."

Provided by @rocking-dave


Image provided by @rocking-dave, the same awesome dude that gave the idea for this story

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

I wanted to get up and go to the bathroom but as soon as I moved the room had spun around me and I collapsed back onto the bed. I looked around and there was a glass of water on the night stand along with 2 pills and a piece of paper with handwriting on it.

Swallow these with the water. It’ll make you feel better.
Thank you for a pleasant night out,

I remember immediately thinking Helena was godsent. She was there for me when I needed her most. She witnessed me at my lowest and most embarrassing moments and yet she still gave her all to please me.

I swallowed the pills with water and laid back down.

After about 20 minutes – which felt like an eternity – I started feeling better. I got up and got dressed into the clothes Helena put on a chair next to my bed and left for the bathroom to use the toilet.

All I could think of was Helena. And every time I remembered my first impression of her, I smiled.

I got used to her strong accent, she actually looked more feminine than the other women here on Earth, and she was everything but rude. Her hair was long and fair and straight and… And she smelled of roses. After that thought I knew I was in love.

I was in love with a human woman.

I smiled at that realization.

It felt so wrong and at the same time so right.

I brushed my teeth twice to try and get rid of the bad breath, put a smile on my face, then stormed downstairs to meet Helena in the Lobby.

“There you are, sleepyhead! Slept well?” She laughed.

“Hey! Not really. I’m feeling like sh#t. And you?”

“I’m doing rather fine, but I’m used to alcohol. You, apparently, are not. You got really… really wild last night,” she just kept on laughing and giggling.

“Yeah, about that. I don’t really remember much after we went into that club. I remember feeling funny and really into dancing, but then I just zoned out.”

She laughed even louder.

“Let’s leave it at that, shall we? Nothing wrong happened, you just had some fun. Well… We… had some fun. It’s been a while since I went dancing and I had a good time. Thank you again for it.”

I was puzzled by her words. Why would she not tell me what was going on for the rest of the night? I decided to ask again, this time more specifically.

“And how did you know I was going to feel bad in the morning? Did I pass out and you had to carry me back to my room? I don’t mean to bother you, but seriously, what all happened last night?”

“It’s alcohol, silly. It always makes you feel sick the morning after. And as for what we did… We danced, we drank and we ended up kissing. And before you know it I was in your hotel room, undressed. And so were you.” Her cheeks turned red and she looked away with embarrassment. “I liked it. And so did you back then. If you want to pretend it never happened, that’s fine by me.”

“No, Helena,” I placed my hand on her cheek and gently caressed her. “I’m just sad I don’t remember kissing you.”

I leaned toward her, slightly pulled her closer with my hand and kissed her lips. I can’t even begin to describe the butterflies I was feeling in my stomach, but I decided to act tough instead of shy. I read somewhere women loved bad boys.

“Now we’re even. And thank you for last night. I had fun too. For as much as I remember. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go grab some breakfast. Want me to bring you anything?”

She just stood there, red-cheeked. She didn’t move one inch since I kissed her.

“Hey, you want anything from the diner?”

She just nodded her head no without saying a word.

End of part 9

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Gif provided by no other than the awesome @rocking-dave

Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:


Provided by: @ewkaw

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