[Short story] #23 - Slaughterhouse - Part 1

The writing prompts was:

"You are a cow and you have discovered that you and all the other cows are destined for the slaughterhouse, you draft a plan to free yourself and the others!"
by @braveheart29

writing prompt fulfilled _ 400x240.png

Just like every morning we were all happy when John came to feed us fresh hay.

"Here, Berta. Mary. Don't get restless now, Bella, I'll get to you."

When he finally got to Bella he sat down next to her and proceeded to milk her as she ate.

He talked to each and every one of us and handled us very gently. He even rubbed our noses. We could tell he really cared about us.

When he left the barn that day I could hear another man's voice just outside the door.

"One week, right John?"

"Yes. And the price stays. No negotiating."

"A hundred thousand for all of them. Deal. I don't mind paying the full price for a fine steak," the unknown man laughed.

"Let's step inside and handle the paperwork."

"Steak?" I thought to myself; "What did he mean by-..."

Right then and there it became clear to me.

I didn't know whether he got tired of us or whether we were too old to produce enough milk every day.

But one thing was certain.

John had sold us to the slaughterhouse.

I could feel my heart picking up pace and the heat throughout my body.

"Listen up, girls!" I shouted to get everyone's attention. "Did you hear John just now?"

"I heard him talk, yes. What about it?" Mary replied.

I didn't know how to start so I couldn't help myself but stutter.

"W-We... John... He sold us! They will make steaks out of us! We are all going to die!"

All 29 of them raised their heads.

"Now that's just rude, how dare you! There's no way John would do this to us. He loves us!" Mary paused for a second before continuing in a softer tone; "Relax, Clarabelle, everything is going to be just fine."

"No, really. They were discussing the price just now. We only have one week!"

I spoke impulsively, hardly making any sense, but I just couldn't help myself.

"Knock that thought of your head, Clarabelle, you're ruining our apetite."

I closed my mouth shut but kept thinking about it internally.

I didn't sleep a single minute that night.

For the first time ever I thoroughly inspected the barn.

The wooden planks the barn was built of, the steel fence surrounding us and the doors to freedom.

There was no way I would await my execution in peace.

I wasn't going down without a fight. I would either succeed or die trying.

When the rooster announced a new day and the rest of the cows woke up, I already had my battle plan completely figured out.

"Alright, I need to make this quick, so listen carefully. When John brings food, nobody eat. Got that? Nobody. He's going to question what's wrong and try handfeeding one of us. That's our chance right there! Whoever is close has to ram into him as hard as possible. And I mean as hard as possible. We need to knock him unconsciouss, get the keys and run outside."

"Listen to yourself, you're speaking nonsense again," Mary was stubborn to believe what I had said.

"I want to believe you, Clarabelle, I really do. And even if what you say is the truth, let's be real here. Outside? We were never outside the barn before. How do we know there's not death just outside these walls? How do we know-..."

"Exactly! You want to lead us straight to our deaths! Shame on you, Clarabelle! Shame on you! Now quiet down, John is coming." Mary cut her off mid-sentence.

Every single one of them behaved as if nothing ever happened, but when John got to me, I refused to eat.

"What's troubling you, Clarabelle? Are you not feeling well?"

He rubbed my nose the way I loved most and brought some hay right to my mouth. I didn't want to take a bite, I really didnt. But the scent of fresh hay got the best of me and after the initial bite I just couldn't help myself anymore. I just kept on eating and eating.

"Good girl," he rubbed my nose another time before moving on to feed the others.

I knew I made a huge mistake. I broke my own words. I knew noone would trust me anymore.

When John left the barn I was treated as the biggest hypocrite and nobody would talk or even listen to me anymore. I became a stranger to them. The idea of saving their lives became just that. An idea.

I had spent the next days in complete solitude.

The fight for survival I had in me was gone.

I was lonely and miserable.

I was actually looking forward to Thursday.

Five men entered the barn along with John that morning.

"Fine cattle, just as you promised."

John didn't answer. Cold as ice, he kept on walking through the barn and unlocked Bella's stall.

"Come, Bella. Out and onto the truck."

She looked around and every cow's face was white with fear.

She realised then I was right all along.

She thrusted herself into one of the men knocking him to the ground and tried to run for her life.

She didn't even make it out of her stall for John had put a noose around her leg that knocked her on the floor when he pulled.

They put a burlap sack over her head so she couldn't see and guided her toward the exit.

Having finally figured out what was going on, the cows grew restless, banging their heads against the fences.

Seeing as I was the only one calm, John unlocked my door next.

"What do we do, Clarabelle?"

"Yes, Clarabelle, what do we do?"

"We're sorry we didn't trust you, Clarabelle."

"It's too late now. You've had your chance."

I looked around the barn one last time before the cloth bag robbed me of my vision and I was escorted to the truck.

End of part 1

Click here for Part 2.

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In case you enjoy writing, I am hosting a writing contest myself where I don't give you a writing prompt, but instead I give you different challenges that hinder your writing.
Check it out by clicking here.


Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Next writing prompt:

"Your idea in the comments."

Provided by: @ "your name here"

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