[Short story] #23 - Slaughterhouse - Part 2

The writing prompts was:

"You are a cow and you have discovered that you and all the other cows are destined for the slaughterhouse, you draft a plan to free yourself and the others!"
by @braveheart29

The part 1 could have been a standalone story, but @braveheart29 demanded continuation! She didn't want the story about Clarabelle to end so abruptly, no sir! Not like that! So she provided additional information of how she believed the story was to unfold.

"I have an idea! Scratch out those words “The End”, and write a chapter two. Something magical happens to Clarabelle, maybe she gains a super power! Maybe take it in a “science fiction” direction?......crossing my fingers now!"

Naturally, I delivered.

writing prompt fulfilled _ 400x240.png

Click here for Part 1.

I almost lost balance and fell when the truck began to accelerate.

I thought I would be calmer and more prepared for the upcoming doom, but hearing the terrified cows next to me I couldn't help it but be afraid as well.

Was this really it? Was this really how it was going to end?

Was I really going to give up?

"Ladies! Can you hear me? It's Clarabelle!" I shouted as loud as I could from beneath the sack.

I could hear about 15 different voices cry out in agreement, then silence ensued.

"Listen. We can still save ourselves, but you have to trust me, okay?"

Mary, before the biggest sceptic, was now the first to follow my lead.

"Alright, great! Next time we slow down and make a turn, run in the opposite direction and slam into the fence! We will turn the trailer over! We will break free!"

They all raised their voices.

The pep talk was a success.

"On my mark!"

I shouted as we began to slow down and enter a corner.


The stampede of 30 cows knocked the trailer over without the slightest problem and by some strange coincidence my blindfold got caught in the fence and was taken off.

"Follow my voice!"

We ran off the road and into the woods, trying to build as much distance from the truck as possible. When we got so far I couldn't see the truck anymore, I told the group to stop, and I bit off the cloth that was blinding them.

"Now what?"

"We will continue this way until we find a good lawn to settle. Now let's go! I'm sure they are coming after us!"

We began to run further into the forest. I jumped over some tree roots and to my surprise never hit the floor.

I looked down and I was 5 feet in the air.

I looked around in panic and the rest of the herd was airborne as well.

I shook my head to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but sure enough we were all flying.

Looking around I failed to see a tree right in front of me. I closed my eyes right before I was to crash into it, but nothing happened. When I reopened my eyes and looked back, the tree was still intact. It was as if I teleported through it. I closed my eyes again and imagined myself next to Mary.

When I reopened them, I was right next to her.

I could, indeed, teleport.


I couldn't help myself but shout out loud. I was the happiest cow to have ever lived. Not only could I fly, but even teleport wherever I wanted!

All of a sudden I started to feel strange.

The world began to spin before my eyes and my stomach became so upset I could hardly hold back the vomit.

I could feel I was lying on cold floor without opening my eyes.

I must've passed out.

The air was also very cold and I had difficulty breathing.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw nothing but blur.

I could make out some outlines, but nothing made sense.

I blinked a couple times to try and see clearer.

Walls so stained with red you could hardly tell they were ever white and the floor tiles were no different.

Soon enough I began to smell it also.

The scent of blood.

The scent of death.

I was inside the slaughterhouse, still high from the tranquilizer they had given me.

End of part 2

While you are waiting for content new,
in the comments below leave me a clue,
an idea for a story you'd love to read,
a journey to the unknown my keyboard will lead.


In case you enjoy writing, I am hosting a writing contest myself where I don't give you a writing prompt, but instead I give you different challenges that hinder your writing.
Check it out by clicking here.


Previous writing prompts fulfilled:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Next writing prompt:

"Your idea in the comments."

Provided by: @ "your name here"

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