And if You Anticipated the Breakdowns?

It has been four months since I propose you solutions to diverse numeric concerns.

But would not it be more wise to make a small check-up of your Tower and/or PC just to do not have an unpleasant surprise in the future?

Well, yes, why waiting the problems to appear?

Simple solutions exist to verify the good general state of your system without needing to be a confirmed technician: patience and curiosity are enough!

It’s like using of a car, there are those who regularly verify the levels and those who only worry about it when a light comes on their dashboard …

The problem is, as in computing, there is a small benign and quickly fixable breakdown and the big glitch which leaves you by the roadside waiting for the tow truck.

The choice is up to you:

  • Either you go back to your couch or go for a ride

  • Either you continue to read this article which is going to give you all the information to make a complete and methodical control of your computer.


What to do?

We are going to begin with the most delicate, putting our hand in the “dirty oil”!

Yes, because before being sophisticated computers, your systems are at first and foremost machines that produce some heat.

And it’s exactly the first breakdown origin.

Because weither you have a Tower or a Laptop, you have one or several fans that inhale or blow of the air to lower temperatures by evacuating the heat produced by:

  • The power supply

  • The motherboard processor

  • The graphics card processor

  • on certain Towers you have additional fans to make circulate the fresh air and to evacuate to the outside the overflow of hot air.

Some components produce less heat, they do not have fans, we talk about passive cooling, they sometimes have small radiators, also called heatsinks that take care of absorbing it, here are two examples:

Here is two examples:

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Those are generally:

  • Hard disks

  • Certain motherboard components

  • Vivid memories.

To say things simply, you will need to remove the dust accumulated over time, which hinders the air circulation in the housings and clutter fans and there are often a lot, you have no idea !

-> Rather than a speech talks, this is what a Tower can accumulate in only 2-3 year:

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A laptop computer:


If you are convinced, to get down to business, read this detailed article

Now that we’ve eliminated this recurring breakdown cause, let us be interested in the component that has the most chance to cause problem: the Hard disk.

No, it’s not pessimism, your hard disk is going to break down and it’s normal!

Most of the time it’s due to the inevitable wear and sometimes because of excessive temperatures which precisely accelerate this wear.

There is a very simple way to verify the state of your Hard disk: install a software which is going to collect the error codes generated by the Hard disk when it meets a problem and it will translate them to give you an estimation of the wear level.

Those are statistics but the experience shows that they often reflect the reality.

I advise you to install Speedfan which is a free software that will let you know if it would be wise to change the hard disk before it looses.

If you decide to change your Hard Disk, read this article

In addition, the price of storage media has dropped significantly in recent years, it can be an opportunity to change to a faster model or larger, while avoiding losing important data.


What to do next?

Now that you have eliminated the 2 most frequent breakdowns you can take advantage of it to maintain your operating system so that he keeps his velocity.

Because we do not think of it but software problems can indirectly impact on certain components life expectancy.

For example: if he is blocked, every action will require him more time to be made, so with a heat production always more important and a Hard drive which must work much more to reach the information which logically induces greater wear.

Finally, if you find your system undoubtedly too slow you can:

  • Add vivid memory

  • Or why not, change the Processor (if you are capable to do it!)

Good anticipation!


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