Of the many gifts, our power of thought is a pretty impressive one. It has the ability to turn a friend into a foe, and a foe into a friend. It has the ability to scale mountains, or cower at the sight of a spider. Thoughts - the strength in which we believe these thoughts, and the obedience in which we follow these thoughts without question - is mind boggling yet not given the healthy dose of skepticism it deserves.
It is not wonder that all our greatest teachers who have walked the earth have always pointed us towards the mind. Turning it inwards, questioning it's assumptions, validity and reality. The mind fights hard to keep itself validated. Simply put, we justify with excuses.
Of the words we write and thoughts we think, we parse very few through a fine filter in asking if much of it is true. Having read the work by Byron Katie, and the practiced exercises in the workbook from A Course in Miracles - I learnt a very important lesson:
Our thoughts are not real.
And it seems I didn't need to go to all those extents, just ask any modern day motivational speaker and they will tell you the same.
Before you come and challenge me with a slew of evidence based ideas, let me say - this is a truth I realised for myself, and yet am constantly fighting to recognise every single day, in fact it was something that took me through a rather bumpy ride through the mind recently - wreaking havoc not just within, but impacting those around as a result of this thinking.
When I first realised the truth - it was through a very interesting exercise. Questioning what we see. In a state of non-judgement, the questioning created ripples in the very fabric of reality - like something seriously out of a Wrinkle in Time.
If we really want to get technical about it, we can look to quantum physics. There is a double slit experiment that shows the behaviour of particles, such as electrons, that can combine the characteristics of particles and characteristics of waves together - most interestingly it has been found that the act of OBSERVING/MEASURING a quantum system has a profound effect on the behaviour of the particles.
In other words, our ACT of observing creates a particular result. Our act of observing based on our pre-existing beliefs that is. Much like the flaws created in experiments where studies end up proving a theory we had. Even to disproof is in a way proof for us. We are constantly in a state of dictating so much in our world that we lose out on a lot of the unknowns that are beyond our simple scientific tools.
Let's take love for example. How does one explain the super human strength and grit we get in saving a loved one, or to jump into a fire to help someone. Is it logical? No. Is it doable, Yes!
It took a lot of practice to get to a place where I can observe these thoughts and question them, and there are moments when it still takes active effort to remember and apply the principles. To do so requires a level of complete surrender of knowledge base (previous), of intellect (to analyse), of senses (that tries to corroborate what we believe) - to invite a whole new way of thinking into my reality.
One of the easiest ways I find to get into this place of complete stillness where I can let go of the grips of the mind (the mind that is full of itself) - is through the practice of Pranayama. The ancient yogic practice of mastering the mind through the breath. It is to date, one of the most mystical practices - yet with the greatest results. How on earth does a simple breathing take the mind from anxious to calm. From active loop of analysis to dead silence between the ears? And that stillness and silence has nothing to do with a state of catatonia. The awareness is at a tremendous heightened state - that our needs diminish to the bare minimum, and providing us with the knowing of what comes next without too much forethought or planning - i.e. FLOWING.
Truth is we are highly creative beings - constantly in a state of creation - simply through our thoughts. Our most powerful gift to mankind. Yet the most abused of them all. It is not enough to just catch one or two of our wanton thoughts. It is time we took a long hard look at what we are creating with our thoughts, if not throughout the day, then at least 1/2 or 1/3 of it. Heck let's just shoot for 1/10th and see what happens.
And before we begin, why not give ourselves the best boost through some simple mastery first - through the breath.
There are literally over a hundred breathing techniques, each exacting an effect upon the mind. Such is the power of controlling ones breath to master the mind.
Here's a simple breathing technique called Kapala Bhati to start with - and the potential for profound effects when done right.
Previous Posts of Interest:
On life:
Future in the Hands of an Infinity Gauntlet or Pursuit of Happiness
Courage in Vulnerability - Walking the Walk not just Talking the Talk
Have You Listened to Your Gut Today
The Imposter Syndrome, an Unfortunate Chemistry Class and the Road to Recovery
Why Motivational Quotes are Driving Me Nuts
Benefits of Being a Student for Life
On yoga, creativity and leadership:
How to Relieve Writer's Block using Backbends and Downward Facing Dogs!
Yoga and Leadership Series: #2 Yogini to an Entrepreneur - an Insight to Yoga and Spirituality
Yoga and Leadership Series: #1 Introduction - A Brief History of Yoga
MY Ikigai:
What I LOVE: Writing about life, expressing ideas, poetry, haiku, short stories and motivational quips. Practicing yoga and internal reflections, walks in nature, compassionate acts towards nature, animals and humanity.
What I OFFER the world: Innovative solution to Creative Self-Expression. With a passion for Creativity, Innovation, Integrity and Authenticity in thoughts, words, and deeds.
What I am/can be PAID FOR: Writing, teaching yoga, books (in the making), training, facilitating. And hopefully to sit and spin out creative ideas/solutions at whim!
What I'm GOOD at: Hypnotising my Yoga students apparently! Writing from the heart, being a hopeless romantic, passionate utopian, innovator and creator of all things fun and uplifting.
The IKIGAI - SoulArist
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I am very grateful for the support and encouragement from teammalaysia and all the communities who support the efforts of all content creators here.
In gratitude for this revolutionary world of self-expression. One that is mutually beneficial, engenders greater awareness and provides entertaining intelligent banter #awesome