"Kickin' The Yule Tree To The Curb" ~ The Continuing Saga of The Holiday Tree Toss ~ Original Poetic Song of Sorts ~

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The Ghosty Tree of Christmas WAY Past

"Oh Christmas Tree ~ The Post-Holiday ~ Tree Toss Memorial Poetretic Song"

(Recited-ly sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree". )

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree...
Such pine-scent love,
you brought to me.
Of carols' sung,
and presents wrapped.
Of glassy balls,
the Kitty WHAPPED!

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree...
Bright-lighted joy,
you shone for me.
We loved you so,
we loved you dear.
But now your time,
is over here.

Oh Christmas Tree,
Oh Christmas Tree...
What needled mess,
you shed for me.
That vacuum thing,
we pushed about.
But now is clogged,
beyond the snout.

Oh Christmas Tree,
Oh Christmas Tree...
Wrapped in bed-sheet,
for NONE to see.
So off you go,
to trunk of car.
Tossed by yon road,
not very far.

Oh Christmas Tree,
Oh Christmas Tree...
Such a short life,
we gave to thee.
Lain down by road,
oh withered pine.
I'll drive real fast,
avoid the Fine!!

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree...
So all alone,
you shall not be.
There's beer of can,
and freight-dropped load.
There's pole of phone,
and Flattened Toad!

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree...
We all shall miss,
the sight of thee.
But now you're gone,
of this I see...
in rear-view mirror,
Good Luck To Thee!

Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree...
We wish you well,
Oh Christmas Treeeeee...

~ Finto ~

For those of you wondering what in the world is going on here, with a Christmas tree showing up right before Easter in April, you might want to check out the following posts -- previous:
Holiday Tree Toss - Part I
Holiday Tree Toss - Part II
Holiday Tree Toss - Part III

This is my small, exceedingly heartfelt memorial to the sad little Yule trees that I've discovered in the past few months, decomposing by the side of the road in various ditches, front yards, or waterways of our fair town. All carelessly tossed aside to be dealt with by other's.

These small trees really should not be subjected to such an ignoble end, after giving forth SO much Joy and Holiday Spirit to the various families that 'adopted' them in early December. Only to now cast them aside like useless chaff to the winds of post-holiday dis-caring. Left to be run over or picked up off the side of the motorways by the trash-persons in charge.

Thusly, I made a small, Ghost of Christmas Tree Past - Tree Toss Memorial Tree, decked out with loving care and a grouping of small, ghost-like decorations comprised of colored hankies, tied 'just so' to the branches.

Fully understandable if anyone out there develops a small lump of sentimentality in their seasonal throat of caring, when they see this photo and sing this little poetic ditty.

Thanks for checking in, & stay tuned, this whole tree thing just aren't over till it's over ( :

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