7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge - Week 1, Day 2, Post 1 - How much failure can we take?

Hello again, Steem Fam,

I loaded up this post, title and all, to be the first Kickoff Week 1 entry in my 7-Day Steemit Business Building Accountability Challenge.

But there was another set of words that had come through before and it didn't feel right to publish this before very first 'Visiting Words'.

Now it's time for #2 in the new series of 'Visiting Words'.


How much failure can one person take?

Do you know the exact amount of small fails we can assume an average person can live with?

What’s a safe amount of failure that most peeps can absorb, rationalize, cuss, bawl, deny away?

Is there some kind of meter to measure a person’s failure tank?

To know when it’s getting red hot in there?

Or worse?

Pitch dark?

With no tunnel?

How do you know?

How does a person know?

When it’s all adding up too much?


And faster.

Too fast?

How do we know?

When all one person’s little failures

Adding together with everybody’s little failures

Are making Earth too pitch dark?

How do you know?

How do we know?


This came through at 11:26pm last Sunday night, March 4, 2018, as explained more in 'Visiting Words #1

How do you deal with feeling disappointed in yourself and the results you achieve?

Do you use a specific stress relief technique to help you get back to center, to switch from negative thinking and beating up on yourself?

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