The AI Paradox: You will get "chipped". It’s Just A Matter Of Time And The Medically-Enhanced New Breed

The survival of the fittest, the gods, on one end,  'human farming' on the other , and super soldiers in the middle. 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: The Electromagnetic Universe implies a Duality between the positive and negative which makes it possible for the current to flow and spread and sustain Life. That very Duality is encoded in Nature, which is why Humans have a brain with two hemispheres. The Holistic Brain is characterized by an harmonious interaction between the two sides. The brain doesn't create Consciousness because Consciousness exists outside the brain. The brain is the 'device' to connect with It. Any neuroscience research discarding Consciousness regards the brain a mere computer, and while it may be true to some extend, this stance is nonetheless a flawed programming denying the existence of a Greater Reality.   
Denying the organic, holistic principle of Consciousness, is like regarding oneself as a god. This technology is essentially left-brained,  regulates logic, planning and authority structures, controls feelings but is also very survival   oriented and therefore dominant.  So the survival of the fittest, the gods, on one end,  'human farming' on the other , and super soldiers/workers in the middle. We are going to see such trends accelerate at a pace unseen before after 2025.  Such a society would be completely atheistic and while basic income seems appealing, every human being will have to accept to be chipped first! 

You will get chipped. It’s just a matter of time.

 Aug. 10, 2017  -- In the aftermath of a Wisconsin firm embedding microchips in employees  last week to ditch company badges and corporate logons, the Internet has  entered into full-throated debate. Religious activists are so appalled, they’ve been penning nasty 1-star  reviews of the company, Three Square Market, on Google, Glassdoor and  social media. On the flip side, seemingly everyone else wants to know: Is this what  real life is going to be like soon at work? Will I be chipped? “It will happen to everybody,” says Noelle Chesley, 49, associate  professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “But  not this year, and not in 2018. Maybe not my generation, but certainly  that of my kids. Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, is an advocate  for augmented reality, virtual reality and other new technologies. He  thinks embedded chips in human bodies is 50 years away. “In 10 years,  Facebook, Google, Apple and Tesla will not have their employees  chipped,” he says. “You’ll see some extreme forward-looking tech people  adopting it, but not large companies.”  ........... Read more:

Protecting the disabled and access medical data in case of an accident.... or... Electronic Imprisonment for the masses? 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: the problem here at stake: WHO is going to define mental disabilities? AI when deeming anybody to be able to think for him/herself a threat?  That is how it starts... there is no such a thing than acting for a greater good without the premise of self-responsibility. And there is no personal responsibility without the  access to "correct data" to start with. 

Microchips "Will Be Implanted Into People Sooner Than You Think" Say Industry Leaders

Congress Hands Government Authority to Microchip People with 'Mental Disabilities'

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: As we can read in the article below, for the love of money and the sake of survival, people are ready to act in their own detriment, ready to become "elite super slaves" . That is what the verb "to work" really means. Somebody working out of passion does NOT work but CREATES.  The Act Of Creation, co-creating Reality is one of the METAPHYSICAL pillars of The Earth Custodians Movement. When individual work as we can see, they MUST go along with ideas that do not benefit them but empower the top and the control grid. 

New breed of medically-enhanced 'elite super workers' who are smarter, stronger and faster will arrive in 2030

 PwC surveyed 10,000 people across the UK, Germany, China, India and the US
It examines four visions for the future world of work shaped by competing forces
In a world where business is put first workers will have to strive to stay ahead
Physical enhancement techniques and equipment could become the norm
Surprisingly 70 per cent of respondents said they would consider using them 

PwC says 70 per cent would consider using treatments to enhance their  brain and body if this improved their employment prospects in the  future. To understand why this might be, the company examined people's attitude toward work.
Almost three quarters (74 per cent) of people surveyed by PwC said they  saw it as their personal responsibility, and not their employers, to  keep their skills up to date.  (aug 2017)

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT:  Let's think ahead for a few seconds, will Universal Basic Income require people to get chipped to get it, or will they be forced into medical enhancement first and get chipped anyway? 

But wait, it is getting worse!

Scientists Now Claim They Can Erase Memories and Implant Fake Ones

MEMORY HOLE: U.S. scientists have developed a “memory wipe” enzyme that can erase memories forever

Monday, June 05, 2017    Now the researchers are hoping to use this knowledge to stop traumatic memories from forming in people with PTSD simply by blocking the brain’s ACSS2.  This might sound like a good idea to those of us who are haunted by  some sort of trauma, but there’s also the potential for this to be used  for more sinister reasons .... MORE

 Mind hacking: Scientists want new laws to stop our thoughts from being stolen
Published time: 26 Apr, 2017       The ethicists wrote: “We suggest that in response to emerging  neurotechnology possibilities, the right to mental integrity should not  exclusively guarantee protection from mental illness or traumatic injury  but also from unauthorised intrusions into a person’s mental wellbeing  performed through the use of neurotechnology, especially if such  intrusions result in physical or mental harm.”The proposal  sets out four new human rights laws: the right to mental privacy, mental  integrity, cognitive liberty and psychological continuity. It is hoped  that, in the future, these laws could be used as safeguards preventing  people’s brains from being read or stimulated without their consent.Fear of cognitive intrusion is not paranoia borne out of science fiction, they say. 

WHY JOINING THE EARTH CUSTODIANS MOVEMENT? The clues for our technology not having  "earthian origins" are  beginning to abound to the point that it is not only fascinating but  overwhelming. We, as a species, are about to embark on a unknown  territory.  The shift is mere 10 years  head. The Earth Custodian  Movement was created as an alternative and to send a forceful message  throughout the web: that Humans will not be coerced into joining the  Hive Mind Cloud, nor any  Hunger-Game-Society-like schemes in any  fashion. This technology belongs to outer space and has to return where  it came from, along with all those choosing extreme augmentation and to  become cyborgs. There exists a paradigm for each reality. Theirs and  Ours are simply incompatible and lethally antagonistic.  Lethal for  Earthians. 

Earth Custodians do not reject the idea of longer life spans  achieved with the  mastery of light/electricity/sonoluminescence and vibration, any  Living Geometry and Epigenetics driven sciences. Etc. Yes it is possible  to put megacomputers to work for those who choose to remain humans,  live for the betterment of Humanity and are guided by the metaphysics of  Light --  

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about the AI topic,  and keep doing your home work, find out for yourself. The truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that there only is ONE AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs ignorance, and which translates in many flavors and fashions 


Living Geometry Does Matter Because It Represents The Building Blocks of Life! | Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter  | Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction | AI For The Betterment Of Mankind.... Or Perpetual Warfare? | From Programmable Matter To *BLACK Goo* , The Sentient Substance | The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity | The AI Paradox: Artificial Intelligence From Outer Space... But WHOSE Exactly?

Thank you in advance for resteeming and upvoting such important topics and spreading the aims of the Earth Custodians!!

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