How Many Horses on Nyoman Nuarta Horse Statue in Jakarta? #Cityscapephotography

The name of Horse Statue in front of the Office of the Ministry of Tourism is actually Arjuna Wijaya Statue or Asta Brata Statue.

This copper sculpture is created by Nyoman Nuarta and done by 40 artists. This statue depicts a Bharatayudha fragment. The driver of a horse-drawn carriage is Batara Krishna and Arjuna was holding an arrow which is ready to be fired at his enemy: Kurawa army.

The question is how many horses on the statue?

Please guess it.

Nyoman Nuarta Horse Statue in Jakarta
Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Settings1/30 sec. f/2.2 4.15mm ISO 125
CameraApple iPhone 6
LocationJakarta, Indonesia


Patung Kuda Nyoman Nuarta

Patung Kuda di depan Kantor Kementerian Pariwisata itu sebenarnya bernama Patung Arjuna Wijaya atau Patung Asta Brata. Patung tembaga ini ciptaan Nyoman Nuarta dan dikerjakan oleh 40 seniman.

Patung ini menggambarkan fragmen Bharatayudha. Kereta kuda itu ditarik Batara Kresna dan Arjuna memegang panah yang siap ditembakkan ke musuhnya: tentara Kurawa.

Pertanyaanya: berapa jumlah kuda di patung itu?

Silahkan menebaknya. Hehehe.

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