Litecoin (LTC) Logo Art Challenge Winners [Epic Retweets by Charlie Lee!]


Retweets by the Charlie Lee and The Litecoin Foundation

One of the core goals of this ongoing challenge is to fold new talent into the Steem community - through art. Outreach is essential. This is why our team @sndbox and @creativecrypto have been building a presence on Twitter and drawing more eyes and ears into the Steem universe. Yesterday we tweeted out a GIF of some of the stand-out examples from our latest Litecoin/LTC logo competition and it immediately stirred up a massive amount of engagement. Turns out that the very creator of LTC, Charlie Lee, and his affiliated Litecoin Foundation shared our tweet on their respective channels. As of now, there have been over 600 likes, 160 retweets, and according to the analytics on our end, 214,000 impressions and climbing.


This is just the start. We are thrilled with the response and added visibility to both our new Twitter account and the official Steemit twitter account. We’re hoping this type of publicity will attract many more into Steemit as the central forum for information and creativity concerning blockchain and cryptocurrency as a whole.

And Now... The Winners!

This past week, participants were tasked with interpreting the LTC logo through the lens of a famous artist (Picasso, Van Gogh, David Hockney, Michelangelo etc.) - or style (cubism, pointilism, bauhaus, deconstructivism, impressionism, etc.) Other components of the image (background, details, other elements) were completely up to their imagination.

Here are some of our favorite and most creative entries!

@kyunga’s Warhol Lite

@kyunga’s submission was a beautiful example of Pop Art literally popping out of the screen with a wonderful animation. Andy would be proud! See the original post here.

@munadikiehl’s Litecoin Supreme!

@munadikiehl does a beautiful deconstruction of the logo’s elements with a complex color pallette. See the original post here.

@karmachela's Epic Doodle

@karmachela took on the persona of Mr. Doodle and drew up one of the most fun entries we’ve received. See the original post here.

@marty-arts's Amazing Monet!

@marty-arts takes her painting skills to task, creating one of the best hand-made entries seen in these competitions. See the original post here.

@philipuyi POP-tastic Landscape

@philipuyi goes full POP with this entry. The combination and styling of these simple elements makes us want to reach for a pina colada. See the original post here.

Honorable Mentions

  • @anomt brings great color to Litecoin’s creator, Charlie Lee in this Art-Nouveau masterpiece. Check out the original post here.

  • @jayurano’s entry is clever with a great compositional eye. Check out the original post here.

  • @aaronhong does it again with an awesome interpretation of Yoshitomo Nara’s iconic figures. Check out the original post here.

  • @anysia gets in there with a high KAPOW, animating the Lichtenstein aesthetic. Check out the original post here.

  • @karenthfer makes LTC rain from the sky, calling on the masterpiece of Magritte. Check out the original post here.

  • @mbell bring in the optics on this one, inspired by artist Carlos Cruz-Diez. Check out the original post here.

  • @ceheiberg does an incredible 3D modeling of a Kandinsky-inspired piece. His further posts spotlight the whole process he went through to create this digital deconstructed world. Check out the original post here.

  • @camiloferrua brings possibly one of the most relevant artists to blockchain to our attention, Gertrud Goldschmidt. Check out the original post here.

  • Last but not least, @jeeuuzz does a playful mixture of cubism with product placement on Moai statues. Check out the original post here.

As we gear up for the @creativecrypto magazine we’ll be doing many more of these contests so be sure to stay tuned and refer others to these community activities! And thank you to all that submitted!

Follow the @creativecrypto magazine and Twitter account!

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