The Beers, their personality and their nature # 8 Argentinas- Antares

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I want to share with you information about Argentinian beers, today I will refer to the "Antares" brewery, an important company dedicated to artisan beer, perhaps the number one in this segment, we will see its history and the products they produce.


The history of this brewery is very interesting, the one who knows the story for the first time is amazed, a beautiful story proper to legends and stories.

"Leo And Marina" some newly arrived students decide to meet other parts of the world, so they do and they arrive in "California United States" As I always say the destiny works mysteriously, we never know where it takes us, by circumstance of life know A man named Tim Patterson, a young man from California who is a lover and fan of artisan beers, who owns his own recipe for brewing beers in his own garden, "Leo and Marina" young enthusiasts wanted to learn the recipes and the procedures Of the elaboration of the young "Californian" who did not hesitate to share his experiences.

Meanwhile, another young man recently called "Pablo", a study partner of "Leo Y Marina" very interested in the techniques of artisan brewing of beers, looked in old books and Internet pages to enrich his knowledge about the elaboration of this Legendary drink.

After returning from "Leo and Marina" to Argentina, after a reunion with "Pablo" in Mar del Plata, the city that gave birth to them, after many talks and organizations decided to start the first business of "artisan beers from Mar del Plata" .

In 1998 they opened their first local "Antares Brewpub" in a prestigious neighborhood of the city of "Mar del Plata", today they have premises throughout the country. "Tandil, La Plata, Bariloche, Mendoza, Palermo, Necochea, Pinamar, Rosario, Cañitas, Ituzaingó, Córdoba and Quilmes" becoming the number one artisanal beer in the country.


The "Antares brewery" was designated as the outstanding "brewery of the year" in the "third edition of Latin American South Beer Cup"

In which important Latin American breweries participated, with important jurors of "USA, Holland, Brazil, Chile and Argentina"

The "Antares beers" stood out among 300 samples from all over Latin America, winning gold medal in the "American Indian Pale Ale" silver medal in the "Barley Wine, Scottish Light, Heavy, Export Ale, Scotch, Dark Lager"

The "Antares Brewery" has nine varieties of beers, "Antares Kölsch, Scotch, Porter, Barley Wine, Imperial Stout, Sudestada, Honey Beer, India Pale Ale, Caravan"

"Artisan beer Antares Kölsch"


"Antares Scotch Craft Beer"


"Artistic Beer Antares Porter"


"Antares Barley Wine Handmade Beer"


"Artistic Beer Antares Imperial Stout"


“Cerveza artesanal Antares Sudestada”


"Artistic Beer Antares Honey Beer"


"Artisan Beer Antares India Pale Ale"


"Artistic beer Antares Caravan"


The "Antares" beers are made using European procedures, some of them are "guard" beers for thirty days in oak barrels, with an alcohol content of 8%, their monthly production reaches "50,000 liters". Can be found in "Argentina, Brazil, Canada, United States, Uruguay and Sweden."

These are all varieties of the Antares Brewery, in the next post we will see the different breweries Argentinas, its history and its products, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did in this post, and that this information useful to you when choosing Good beer.


For more information just enter the links below.

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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