If the problem has a solution, worrying is pointless, in the end the problem will be solved. If the problem has no solution, there is no reason to worry, because it can't be solved. Hsin Hsin Ming
Every chapters can be read on their own. No need for any previous knowledge about *Steem either.
*Steem is a peer-to-peer open source currency issuance software rewarding the dissemination of the most valuable information which is determined by stake weighted consensus. Posters and voters get paid with Steem, a currency and a sort of company shares. Posts with the most shareholder’s votes rise to the top of Steemit.com or any other websites which use the Steem blockchain.
All of my book’s chapters reached the top 10 best paid articles of the day. Thank you everyone!
Steem is in the business of rewarding the most empowering information as well as facilitating its dissemination. Every other businesses are trying to monetize privileged for their benefits and economic survival. This guy knows no struggle and so was one of the top Youtube trending video of yesterday The most useful information is the information that creates Joy or bliss and we’re all looking for it, we’re all looking for the easiest way to bliss. The most blissful information should be the easiest to come across as it’s also the most influential, valuable and most seeked after but in our society blissful information isn’t the most valued information. The war for power which have existed since the dawn of humanity and most probably prior to it have keep the dissemination of the most valuable information to be contrived for it is information and its use to trick people that is at the very core of war. I’ll most probably touch on this subject further in future chapter but the quote below very well illustrate the fundamental relation which information and war share. The quote is from the book: “The art of War” by Sun Tzu. (500-320 B-C) All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. Sun Tzu’s book goes much deeper on this subject regarding the use of information to trick the enemy and its overall relation to war. A power struggle exist since humanity’s inception and so does a power struggle for the manipulation of information. Those power struggles still exist today. The existence those power struggles and thus control of information can easily be inferred by another quote from “The art of war”. The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. War or power struggle has at its basis individual self-preservation or desire to live but at a collective scale and thus it is fundamental to our existence and to humanity. Just like self-preservation, war can never be 100% delegated. The different power struggles of life affect us all, they're part of life and to transcend the unfair ones, the unfair and undesirable power struggles necessitate our collective efforts. The feeling of having no power over people and events is generally unbearable to us—when we feel helpless we feel miserable. No one wants less power; everyone wants more. (The very first words of the book The 48 Laws of Power.) Steem seems like the most suitable tool to help us solve the different undesirable power struggles we're face with. I feel like this is best explained by my latest chapter and more precisely by the sub-chapter titled: "Three Very Special Quotes" In this optic of trying to not hasten this process, let us seek to share the most empowering information, to make Steem the most influential source of provably fair consensus. Empowering information attracts people and votes. The most empowering information attracts people’s attention the most and the most votes. Everyone are looking to be empowered. Every information dissemination platform looks to become the source of the most empowering information but all of them are contrived by the multitude of ruling powers and their coercive actions. Every Steemians should put their efforts and intent towards making Steem the best sources of empowering information as well as the most rewarding platform of information dissemination. Steem is a peer-to-peer open source currency issuance software rewarding the dissemination of the most valuable information which is determined by stake weighted consensus. Who we are is disproportionately shape by the most pertinent information we come across rather than the volume of information we are bombarded with thus there’s ultimate value in the process of determining the most valuable information. The best way to determine the most valuable content or information is through the process of stake weighted consensus decision making. Stake weighted because the more someone has to lose and thus gain from any decision, the more weight their votes must have. To better understand this here’s one quote from Dan Larimer. To build a system of decentralized governance all people must have some direct control over the allocation of public resources, the editing of laws, and the rendering of opinion. Furthermore, all people must take a risk of loss with every act of governance they take. Without the risk of loss no true measurement of value can be made and no opinion can be trusted. You cannot even trust your own opinion unless you take actions that risk personal loss if your opinion is out of alignment with reality. The greater the risk you are willing to take the stronger your faith in your opinion and the greater your resulting profit or loss will be. It is through the iterative process of taking risks and realizing profit and loss that truth can be distilled from the mass of dissenting opinions. Those who act wisely grow in influence, those who act poorly shrink. Overtime the Darwinian process of survival of the fittest takes over and the aggregate outcome of the governance improves in quality, quantity, and efficiency just like what happens in the free market. Steem as it is now is fair. If our votes were to unlock funds or rewards disproportionate relative to the Steem each of us individually own then Steem would be unfair. As the growing number of investors who conclude Steem is economically sound, have some advantages over Bitcoin and that Steem will monetarily benefit the earliest investors the most, the demand for Steem should go up compare to the currency it’s most traded for, Bitcoin which is the best performing currency of the last 6 years, we'll begin to see those who were eager to divest their Steem owning becoming a little less eager as these dynamics become more established. One of Steem clear advantage over Bitcoin is its added value from its information dissemination reward system. I'm not saying Steem is in ultimate competition against Bitcoin but on the contrary I feel they will mutually benefit one another over fiat currencies. There is every incentives for Steem Power holders who want to diversify their Steem holding to see the price of Steem Power rise compare to Bitcoin or as least follow Bitcoin’s price as the opposite would turn away investors. Steem is in the business of rewarding the most empowering information as well as facilitating its dissemination. Every other businesses are trying to monetize privileged information for their benefits and economic survival. I read more than 150 web articles a week for many years. I’ve read up to 350-400 web articles a week at some point. Nowadays I think most of the articles I’m reading comes from Steem. I’ll let people know how I’ve done it, where do I find my articles, why I’m doing this and more in a future chapter. I’ve glance every Steem trending page since it exist. (At least the top 50% of it) I’ve glance at 100% of my Steem feed since it exist. I follow close to 800 Steemians amongst them are the top 300-400 content creators of all time. I read more than 10 titles for every web article I’m reading or even clicking on. I do more than 5 clicks per articles I’m reading. Trying to collect the most meaningful information published on the web isn’t easy. It’s very inefficient and all of us would gain tremendously from making this process more efficient. Most titles aren’t information rich or they’re just irrelevant and because our limited time does only permits us to read a very small amount of what is publish every day, titles are the single most decisive factor over what article we click on or not. We all read way more titles than articles and we assume with reasons, a title’s greatness should be a reflection of the article quality overall. Meaningful titles is the first step to help our articles stand out of the bunch and we would all gain from honoring this fact with time and effort we put in their creation. It makes sense and should be somewhat easy to synthetize any good article to create a meaningful title so our posts we spend so much time creating can come to create the influence we intended them to. I felt the need to touch on this subject even though it’s already part of common knowledge as I feel like we have a tendency to gloss over its creation sometimes. Also thanks to a writing tip from the-alien I recommend not bothering with finding a meaningful title before writing an article. Every articles and information add value but there already exist much more information that anyone can consume in one lifetime and it’s generation is getting faster thus the need for us to look only for the best information. We’re doing it in our life every day. We’re always analyzing and trying to distill the most meaningful information and share it in the most meaningful format. Steem connect is a revolutionary way to connect to the Steemchain. I felt the need to highlight its annoucement as soon as I read it but for some reasons I’m only doing it now. I think I lot of people could have missed the significance of Steem Connect. So here’s from their own words here are the very most important point to help everyone get it. Steem connect is a simple identity layer built on top of the Steem blockchain, that allows you to connect to authorized apps in a secure and convenient way. A universal login interface for the Steem Apps Ecosystem, open-source, collaborative, transparent, identity & login base layer for any Steem Apps who want to benefit from a convenient and secure solution. SteemConnect can provides security, simplicity and trust for both users and developers. For developers, it allows you to develop applications based on the Steem protocol, without having to handle the authentication system. SteemConnect frees you from the burden of managing users private keys and encryption. Indeed, by using SteemConnect, you won’t have to open-source your project to gain the trust of your users. The service is open-source and very simple to learn and integrate. We will provide few tutorials to help. For Steem users, it allows you to connect in a convenient and secure way to other apps and websites built on Steem using the same account credentials you use for Steemit! Neither SteemConnect nor the authorized apps store your key. Your posting key is encrypted on your cookie. Anyone can support their work by supporting their witness. To read more about Steem Connect read its announcement here. My witness have thought and brought me so much and enriched my overall Steem experience. I’m very active on Steem and my experience as a witness have helped me to better understand many of the thing needed to make Steem function and put this information out so everyone can benefit. I’m one of Steem top content consumer. I’m also a top consumer of actuality and content of all sorts outside of Steem. I know so many websites of the sorts and what it takes for those kind of website to succeed, heck I’ve been so an avid user of those top websites for so many years now. I have a wide array of general knowledge on so many topics all of which I feel is very much benefiting our community. I haven’t missed a block since the last hard fork and I’ve proven to be more than able to run my witness. Things would be different if I would be in top 19 witness as I feel a lot more is necessary to ensure a reliable witness when being in the top 19. I don’t realistically have to plan for such a thing right now. I have some great ideas over some future projects as well as current one but great project don't happen in a week or two. They take time. I powered up more than 17,000 Steem just a couple of minutes ago and stopped powering down to help me have greater influence on Steem and for reasons I mentioned above about Steem price and my observations. This puts me at 4 MW of being a Super Hero or orca. (100MV) Correction I powered up 10,000 Steem today and will be powering the rest tomorrow due to poloniex withdrawal limits. Thank you to everyone who’s supporting my work and my witness. Those who support my witness can be viewed here when clicking on the tab votes received. Please consider supporting my witness if you love the work I’m doing for Steem. Also I’m helping those who support me almost on a daily basis on all sorts of things and I welcome anyone to contact me through the official Steem chat if they have any questions. I answer everyone and I’m there every day 99% of the time. Thank you to everyone reading, voting and commenting on my articles! It really means a lot. I removed 2 things from my previous chapter, one of which wasn't supposed to be there and I just had forgot to remove it and the other thing I removed was something I hadn't worked on enough and didn't expressed what I truly felt like expressing so I removed it. I also added this in regard to Bitcoin. Bitcoin still have many advantage over fiat currency which have translated into Bitcoin's price gaining more than 120,000% over USD and 200% over the past 2 years and I'm confident this will continue. I'll explain my reasoning in a chapter dedicated to Bitcoin. @pickoum and I have been continuing the translation of my book. I plan on publishing the French translation of its introduction this week. We already published 2 French chapters prior to this one. This translation is an opportunity for more people to enjoy my book and we'll continue as long as we feel it is worth it. From @pickoum and me, thank you everyone! I donated 37 SBD to @gardenofeden. I had promised I would donate this sum of money in a previous post, I just didn't knew to whom I should donate it to before a couple of weeks ago when I thought about them and how I feel good about donating this money to them. The reasons why I promised to donate this sum of money can be read here.The Ultimate Steem Book
Chapter 8
Blissful Struggles!
Transcending Undesirable Power Struggles
Steem Monetary Value
Information Dissemination And Me
Steem Connect By Busy.org
Witness Updates
I Just Powered Up More Than 17,000 Steem
https://steemdb.com/@teamsteem/witnessEnd Notes
Donation To @gardenofeden
I feel like the destinies of those meant
To be the best
Are in the hands of liars now the world is on fire