Path Forger Rundown 003


Welcome to this installment of the rundown series. This is actually several days late as I've been rather distracted by @merej99's Community Engagement Challenge.

It is a challenge that I've frankly found has amplified my engagement with the community, which has mostly been for better. It has also given me motive to push for a daily posting rate.

Top New Follows

Of course.

A self-described creative writer, web designer, online community advocate and aspie warrior. This user is all of these things and then some. Very concerned with promoting community engagement and also paying it forward. Her writing pieces are also a pleasure to read so do give her a look if you haven't.

This person is a little harder to put one's finger on. Like me, this person has various areas. Posts cover Steemit, games, the media, disasters, the future, and much more - with more than a mild anti-establishment slant. I personally find this user's articles interesting to read through.

Having recently returned from a 6 month hiatus, this user has a passion for mathematics, for science, and technology. What I really like is that this user takes things to a depth that is uncommon to see (imagine a post explaining why circles roll smoothly!

Last and not least to be mentioned is this veteran Steemit user. Its only while researching him that I came to realize that he also does table top game reviews (which is nice as I happen to really like table top games) among various other topics. A witness too. Yet there is also a lot more to him. I must admit that one reason why he is on this list is due to his kindness in helping me to refine a suggestion I made a week ago. Far from the only one however.

This is not to say that other persons that I follow aren't great. A fair number of you guys rock (I'm looking at you too @theanubisrider)! These are the names that stuck to my head (and my timeline) most. :c)

Top Resteems By Myself

This simple yet detailed account of the interaction between a driver and his passengers has lessons that we could all stand to learn from - I'm sure.

Suicide is a subject that is not given enough attention. Its dead serious stuff and there is good advice within. Read it even if you don't see its immediate relevance. Its important.

While the title is self-explanatory, this is still worth a look. It may not be 'the' reason, but it is 'a' reason why CNN's ratings took a dip.

Lovely music. Lovely photography. Put them together and you get something that is greater than the two apart.

This poster seems to know his crypto - but then again I know nothing of crypto. What I do know is that this post (and the off-putting knowledge that I might soon enough see this account frozen as newbie delegated Steem is withdrawn... ¬_¬) has tempted me to invest in just a little Steem. Tempted... but still afraid.

Hard Fork 19. Its Impacts. Also sounding a warning over the potential abuse of Steemit if vigilance is not exercised. Interesting stuff.

The author makes a compelling case for access to games that one purchases be linked to one's person rather than some mere account.

Such... an epic... post! I am ashamed that I haven't yet answered the various points in his post (knowing me it'll take 'forever' to craft such). I one day shall... but at least I upvoted and resteemed?

Eh... I call these my 'top' resteems when I really should have called them 'all' my resteems.

Top Posts by Myself

Besides another chance at discovery - there is something satisfying about lining them up. Again, 'top' is not quite correct here - as all are listed.

Period July 2017
  • Suggestion - Lets Weave Steemit Data Flowers!

    Storing data is the easy part. Its retrieving it in a meaningful fashion that is a challenge - and Steemit could use improving here. Thanks to @lukestokes' feedback this also delves into security elements concerning Sybian protection. There is more to say here and I would not be surprised to see this suggestion expanded upon in future.

  • Suggestion - Easy Retrieval, Link Storing Feature

    A simple suggestion to enable and facilitate users ability to the quick storage and retrieval of links.

  • People Fall But Ideas Live On

    This is a statement, both of homage as well as of defiance. That which makes the fruits of the mind all too easy to steel also makes them incredibly difficult to stamp out. Ideas live on.

003 Edition

And Thats a Wrap - For Now.

As always I do look forward to feedback and critique. Such will also help me to improve this and other articles in future.

Any sources linked above are the works of their owners.

Oh... and thank you again @realm for the feedback on the last installment!



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