Are you ready for God to propel you to your next level?

We are in a season of movement, divine change, divine positioning, alignment & dramatic relocation.

God is connecting people, moving people, relocating people & aligning people before their next level.

Very strategic movement is taking place in the realm of the Spirit.

Don't resist it.

God is behind it.

It's going to take you out of your comfort zone.

It's going to move you very dramatically into new arenas; new relationships.

Princess Bola Adelani shares a prophetic word that she received about the importance of your coming into the right alignment that you need to be propelled to your next level.

We tend to resist the new & change because we get comfortable in the old, in the familiar.

If you resist this change, you could be making the biggest mistake of your life.

Be open.

It's new; it's strategic; getting you in right alignment to propel you to your next level.

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