Join Princess Bola Adelani in special prayers to avert a major global catastrophe. Just concluded.

Special prayers just concluded to avert a major global catastrophe.

Live on Periscope & Facebook with Princess Bola Adelani.

     Today: 4pm EST
     Ghana: 8pm
     UK/ NGR: 9pm
     SA/Germany: 10pm
     Kenya 11pm 
     UAE 12am  


Live update

Praying now for

  • Kenya

Peaceful elections, righteous leaders after God's own heart, leaders that will further God's end-time agenda will come into office, righteousness will be exalted, God's will: will be done.

  • Church

Vision for the church, mercy for self-centeredness, forgiveness from the deceitfulness of riches, shed Your love into our hearts, bring us back to our first Love, turn the hearts of the fathers back to your children, break the hold of fear.

  • Children

Establish our children in righteousness, they be far from oppression, reveal Yourself to our our children, You teach them, pour out Your Spirit on our sons & daughters, wholeness to their spirits & bodies

          God has gone forth with power 
          The hills melt like wax in the presence of the Lord.
          The Lord who answers by fire, answers.

          God will stay the hand of the enemy.
          He has tempered judgement with mercy.

From Prince Omoba Emmanuel Olaoluwaonipekun Tola -Adelani, Princess Bola Adelani's son
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