Are you searching? (An Original Poem)

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Are you searching for …
Someone that you can tell your troubles to
Someone who is always there for you
Someone to whom you can cast your worries and anxieties
Someone who will always be faithful to you
Someone who can turn your tears into laughter
Someone who will give you hope in times of despair and desperation
Someone who really cares for you
Someone who loves you unconditionally

Are you searching for …
Someone who will be your guiding light when there is darkness
Someone who will be your life buoy when you are sinking
Someone who puts things right when everything else has gone wrong
Someone who will be your companion when you are lonely
Someone who will cheer you when you are sad
Someone who will shelter you when storms brewed and lightning striked
Someone who will free you when you are trapped
Someone who will show you the truth when lies and falsehood surround you
Someone who will lightened your load when your burdens are heavy
Someone who will offer you eternal peace when your soul is weary

Search no more my friend
For Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour
By dying on the cross for you
Is all that you search for and much more

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Positive Reflections: What Minor Changes Can You Make That Can Have Major Impact In Your Life?
7 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life Part 2
7 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life Part 1
European Thursday: The Captivating Beauty Of Lake Baikal, Siberia
Are We Taking Our Lives And Ourselves Too Seriously

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