历史上的今天 10-06

江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?今天是 2017 年十月 06 日,星期五。历史上的十月 06 日,steem 的 "cn" 板块发生过什么事?



去年的今天,"cn" 类目共发布了26 篇帖子。我们为您随机挑选了一些帖子和回复如下。

2016-10-06 "cn" 类目随机挑选的回复 Randomly sampled replies in "cn" category

@solarguydo share, its that time of year for this stuff. ^^
@nin0000In Belgium we also have Blood-sausages. "beuling"
@solarguyomg its creepy. beats creepy anywhere i've been. I told some other expats about this place they said they had also seen stuffed weathered teddy bears hanging in other places.
@richristowWell, and Dalian and Changzhou do not nearly eat the fucked up shit served up in Guangzhou. Even my Chinese friends shake their heads at Guangzhou and Guangdong in general when it comes to food. That's saying a lot.
@hyperbolicistwow, that actually did creep me out. if it wasn't near a city I wouldn't even go.
@thornybastardCool, man. I will. It fits in with my collection of paranormal tales of China you can read at my main page. And thanks for the kind words.
@richristowActually, I lived in Belgium a long time ago. I remember it was more culturally acceptable to eat horse meat, there? Although, I never tried the blood sausage you mentioned. Lived near Mons and the NATO base and the American shopping center that catered to americans....
@richristowWow, that easily trumps my most messed up experience in China
@virtualgrowthIncluded in Steemprentice Spotlight...And tweeted by SteemLand :)...
@moon32walkerMy guess junkies on LSD did that.

2016-10-06 "cn" 类目随机挑选几个帖子 Randomly sampled posts in "cn" category

@fishingvideosRural pastoral life - 乡村田园生活5.10471
@richristowA View of Wuxi from atop Huishan Mountain2.29628
@richristowNot The Chinese Food You Think You Know: Blood1.64123
@yangyangMy wonderful breakfast 7 美好的早餐7 <U+C88B><U+C740> <U+C544><U+CE68><U+C2DD><U+C0AC> 76.55461
@steven1980Steem User Statistics Report(Update every three days)(Steem用户活动统计图) -- Update:2016-10-072.99438
@hilariousCoffee Art Collections5.07158
@solarguyA Truly Haunted Place I Discovered in the Hillside of Dalian 我在大连的山坡上发现的一个真正闹鬼的地方3.41654
@xiaohui-Daily Update- Daily Report of STEEM Exchange Transfer - Oct 06 - -每日更新- STEEM 交易所转帐分析日报 10-065.85889
@xiaohui-Weekly Update- Top 100 Steem Whales - Oct 06 - -每周更新- Steemit 大鲸前百排行榜 10-068.22263

2016-10-06 "cn" 类目收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout in "cn" category

@yangyangForest messenger drawing 森林使者 <U+C232><U+C758> <U+C804><U+B839><U+C0AC>46.39995
@elfkitchenThe Delicious Cookie Egg Tart - 曲奇蛋挞 (原创)41.413131
@sweetsssjThe world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home!32.916250
@birds90My Macro Photography - Killer Bee (Classic original) 28 Pics32.40371
@xiaohui-Weekly Update- Top 100 Steem Whales - Oct 06 - -每周更新- Steemit 大鲸前百排行榜 10-068.22263

2016-10-06 "cn" 类目获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes in "cn" category

@sweetsssjThe world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home!32.916250
@laonieReal-Time Update of RobinHood Whale Project 罗宾鲸火贴实时更新 06-105.262154
@elfkitchenThe Delicious Cookie Egg Tart - 曲奇蛋挞 (原创)41.413131
@dixonloveartThe 80s Canteen in China6.162127
@ace108Barbecue or not at K Kook - 在 K Kook 烤不烤- (by @ace108)3.298102

人生代代无穷已,江月年年望相似。 感谢关注“大鹏观察”。欢迎提出宝贵意见。谢谢。


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