10 days get fit challenge accomplished!!! 奥林匹克十天健康瘦身挑战完成 | 情好声音-不参赛

所在城市:吉隆坡Current city: Kuala Lumpur
季节:雨 34度Season: Rain 34'C
运动展示:平板运动+唱歌Exercise: Plank + Sing
注重部分 : 腹部Focus: Abs

运动 Workout

So, I've decided to change my format today! As closing ceremony, I just don't feel like wanna let you down for putting up bunch of food photo and explaining how much calories I took. I'll still put them up after this, but I'm not going into detail. Now, you may click on above picture to hyperlink you to listen to me "shout" whilst doing my plank.

成绩公布 And the results are

After 10 days, finally I made it here. From 71.2kg dropped to 69kg.
这十天里我成功瘦身 2.2公斤

2018 - 3 - 9

2018 - 3 - 19


Current State 目前身体指数Before 之前After 之后
Weight 重量71.2kg69.0kg
Fat 体脂22.5%21.5%
Water 水份53.2%53.9%
Mass 肌肉40.1%40.6%
Bone density 骨骼14.7%14.9%
Metabolic rate 新陈代谢2537kcal2490kcal

闭幕礼 Closing ceremony

The results are somewhat satisfying from little sacrifices. Technically, I only choose what I eat, and I do not let myself get too hungry other than once or twice I forgotten to eat due to busy at work. That however, directly affecting my Metabolic Rate as you can see from the chart above. Lighter weight on a starving day doesn't mean slim, it will come back and hit us hard when we eat again. More food coming in and we got no engine started to burn. I find myself blogging a diet and workout diary somewhat effective as a self monitoring tool. I wish to continue maintaining this log for as long as possible. Don't worry, I'm not spam, I will take some rest when I needed instead of jamming the blockchain with my fitness log. Below I will quickly put in some pictures of what I ate today, just to make up the last day post. Anyway, I will be taking 2 days off as I'm off to Penang tomorrow to meet with my dear friends @currykhoo , @patriciawpy, @bitrocker2020, @aaronleang, @iipoh06 & @vamos-amigo . See you there!

对我来说,这次的成绩相当满意。说真的,只是选择适合的食物来吃就已经得到这么样的效果的确难能。这十天里面除了有一两次因为工作太忙碌而忘记进吃,不过那全部被记录在新陈代谢里。不吃而减低重量不代表瘦,只不过身体在消耗肌肉,新陈代谢放慢,也意味着下次吃食物时没有足够的新陈代谢来燃烧而双倍奉还给我们的泳圈腰带(围绕腰部的脂肪圈)。虽然这次挑战圆满结束,但是我有意要继续在这里为大家/为自己写日记。毕竟人需要一些工具来提醒自己/鼓励自己。这个博客的课题让我一直不断的警惕自己要健康瘦身。以下我会附上几张今天吃过的食物照骗,最后一天也要把事情做完。接下来两天我将不会再写关于瘦身的博客,因为我会到槟城去与 @currykhoo, @patriciawpy, @bitrcoker2020, @aaronleang, @iipoh06 & @vamos-amigo。到时见!

Total calories count roughly 1500cal
总热量摄取大概 1500 卡

If you have no idea what challenge I'm talking about, here's the link to my introduction post.


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