香港公眾假期攻略 / How to make the best out of Hong Kong Public Holiday | 谷哥点名#9



"I wish you have a good National Day holiday, enjoy it! Let's have our meeting in two weeks' time, talk to you soon!" I ended the weekly confernece call with my colleagues in Beijing office on Tuesday afternoon. Time flies and it is about time to our National Day. It is a big day for our Chinese colleague, so happens Mid-Autumn festival is close to it, our Chinese colleagues get to enjoy a 8 days holiday. In fact, in Hong Kong, we can also created our own long vacation by using our own paid leaves.

先來看一看香港人原本有的假期:10月2日(星期一) 國慶日補假和10月5日的中秋節翌日,只需請3天假,就可以享受由9月30日至10月8日的9日長假期了。跟國內同胞睇齊呀。

First of all, let's see how Hong Kong's holidays look like: National Day holiday at 2 Oct and next day of Mid-Autumn Festival at 5 Oct, we just need to take 3 additional day off then we can enjoy 9 days long holiday, 30 Sept ~ 8 Oct. Same as our mainland China colleagues.



When it comes to this time of the year, the medias, digital and traditional, will flood you with many "tutorials" to how to make most out of your own paid annual leaves. Previous National day + Mid-Autumn Festival long holiday is one of the examples.


According to Hong Kong S.A.R. "The General Holidays Ordinance ", General Holidays are to be kept as holidays by all banks, educational establishments, public offices and Government departments. Normally private sections observe the same Ordinance. General Holidays provided by the Ordinance is 17 days a year. Among the 2.75 millions of employees in Hong Kong, about 1.37 millions observe the General Holidays. There are another 0.85 millions employees follow the Statutory Holidays (12 days a year). They are from restaurants, estate management, security and cleaning services, food processing and production, laundry and dry cleaning services, and retail. Statutory holidays are out of the scope of this article, I can share more about it later with you.

2018年香港的公眾假期為 | Hong Kong General Holidays:

1 月 1 日(星期一)元旦 / New Year day
2 月 16 日(星期五)至 18 日(星期日)農曆新年假期 / Chinese New Year
3月30日(星期五)至4月2日(星期一)耶穌受難節+復活節 / Easter Holiday
4月5日(星期四)清明節 / Ching Ming Festival
5月1日(星期二)勞動節 / Labour Day
5月22日(星期二)佛誕 / Birthday of Buddha
6月18日(星期一)端午節 / Dragon Boat Festival
7月2日(星期一)香港特別行政區成立紀念日翌日 / The day following Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
9月25日(星期二)中秋節翌日 / The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
10月1日(星期一)國慶日 / National Day
10月17日(星期三)重陽節 / Chung Yeung Festival
12月25日(星期二)至12月26日(星期三)聖誕節 / Christmas


To "make" long holidays in 2018, here are some recommendations:

首先善用2017年尾的聖誕節假期,加上2018年1月1日元旦假期, 只要請12月27至29日三天,便可以享受10天長假 ~ 12月23日至1月1日!

First of all, don't miss the Christmas holiday in 2017, put together New Year day of 2018, you only need to take 27 - 29 Dec off (3 days) in order to enjoy 10 days holiday ~ 23 Dec to 01 Jan!


接下來,農曆新年的4天長週未,只要再加上4天(2月20至23日)自己的年假,又是另一個10天的長假期 ~ 2月16至25日。

Then comes the Chinese New Year long weekend, if you take 4 days annual leaves (20 - 23 Feb), it is another 10 days holiday ~ 16 - 25 Feb!


每年的復活節都是長週未,2018年更可以利用緊接而來的清明節假期,只需要請3天年假(4月3,4,6日), 就可以放10天的長假期 ~ 3月30日至4月8日。

In 2018, Ching Ming Festival will be very closed to Easter weekend, take 3 days of annual leave (3,4,6 Apr), you can enjoy 10 days holiday again ~ 30 Mar - 8 Apr!


10月份就只有10月17日重陽節假期,因為是在星期三的關係,只要請4天年假(10月15,16日 和 18,19日), 就可以製造9天的長假。如果不需要9天那麼長的話,請兩天年假(15,16日或18,19日)亦可享受5天的假期。

There will be on 17th Oct as general holiday in October. Since it is a Wednesday, if you get a 9 days holiday if you take 4 days off (15, 16 and 18, 19 Oct). If you don't need 9 whole days, then 2 days off (15, 16 or 18, 19) will get you 5 days holiday too.



At end of 2018, Winter Solstice, Christmas and New Year holiday can become a 11 days long holiday if you take the following 4 days off, 24, 27, 28, and 31 Dec.



Most of the companies in Hong Kong do not allow employees to accumulate too many annual leaves, so people here have to spend certain number of days of annual leaves every year. It is not impossible to have a couple of long holidays every year if you can make good use of your annual leaves and the General Holidays. It is always good to have long holidays so that you can escape the high pressure environment of Hong Kong. With this information, even thought you're not working in Hong Kong, you can still plan for any activities that you may have here.



It's about time for me to plan for my own holidays.

!steemitworldmap 22.295377 lat 114.166855 long d3scr

圖片來源 | Image source : [1]Google search, 2, [3], [4], [5], [6],[7], [8] - 2018年請假攻略


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