大家有寵物的話可以看一下 @linuslee0216舉辦的寵物選美比賽喔!可惜我沒有在養(不過蟑螂應該可以找找),我也想參加T T 不過回想起來,以往家裡也有養過兩次寵物~ 就如首圖,是倉鼠和雞~
其實兩樣都年代滿久了,倉鼠明顯是哈姆太郎熱潮而養的。開始的時候買了一隻,金黃色的。所以叫「金」; 然後怕它寂寞再添一隻,銀灰色的,叫「銀」。有夠懶的取名方法,哈哈...
沒可能吶兩隻男怎生孩子... 所以一定是店員看錯了。總之,多了三顆粉紅色的小肉球。
If you have pet, you may interested in @linuslee0216's pet contest. I do not have pet now, otherwise I want to join too! Anyway, today I would like to share two old stories of pets in my home.
With the trend of Hamster Taro, two hamsters came to my home. One is yellow brown in colour, called *Gold"; one is white silver in colour, called Silver. A lazy way to name the pet ^^;
Two male hamsters always chasing each other. Silver like running in the ring at night, very noise. Gold likes eating. It likes sitting inside the tunnel connecting to the 2nd floor in the cage. It filled up the tunnel space by his fat body.
When entering the fall, we covered the cage by a towel. However, they tron it quickly and filled up their little house.
One day, my mother was curious what they are doing and took away the little house (which has no bottom). And, three little hamster babies rolled out!
We were shocked because we though Gold and Silver were both male. Quite obvious, the shop's stuff made a mistake.
We had heard that if we touched the babies, the hamster parents will kill them because their become different. So, we just left them alone and let their parents took them back to the house.
The second generation with the mixture of colour from their parents. After they grew up, still smaller then the first generation. May be the feeding method is different with shops.
With no following generation. The hamsters went to paradise and the story stopped here.
Outline. 起稿
The characters are the pets. And a little garden for them. Also, sunflower seed and corn.
Coloring. 上色
If you had read my old post, I always draw with many colors and high saturation. This time I tried to narrow down the number of colour used and with lower saturation. hm..It seems not much difference.
Background and fine tune. 背景和修飾
Recently, I always “regret” after finished the illustration. A little bit correction of the comb.
閒時給牠換換水。有時候看電視,家人會把牠放到沙發上放雞。長到中型雞時,祖父帶我,我帶雞到公園玩。小灌木叢花圃是放雞的好地方。雞可以在裡面走,但又不會跑太遠。然後,雞大便也順利成章變成肥料 ^^;
我還期待牠會在早上雞啼,但印象中沒有。嗯... 忘了... 況且貪睡如我火警鐘嗚都不會醒,雞可能啼了也不知道。
About the chicken. I do not remember the exact time, just in my primary school age. My relative bought me a chick. It is so lovely. Light yellow and furry one. My family found a paper box and it became the home of it.
We fed it with rice. I also gave it bread… with jam. I hope it was alright.
Refilling water and sometimes took it out and put on the sofa while watching TV. When it grew up to be a young chicken. My grandpa brought me, I brought the chicken to the park. I put it in the bush parterre. It would not run too far and also the poo became the fertilizer, lol.
It grew up fast. One day, when I back home. It became the dinner.
I was not too sad or cry like mad. I knew my grandparents run farm for a long time. So, they were not feed it as pet, but food.
Of course, still a little weird feeling and little bit sad. Keeping quite and finished the dinner with thanks.
Few years ago, there was a clip of entertainment TV show shared frequently on Facebook. It was about children visiting farm with pig, and then made the pig to pork. Some people appreciate it because it teaches children how we get food and respect the animals; Some did not. It was because it was too cruel. It was only making a show with children’s innocence. Children will know how the food comes from when they grow up.
It made me recall the memory of the unnamed children. May be the habbit of not wasting food is built from this experience.