Draw on Blockchain : Transparent Milk Tea 透明奶茶 [EN/CN]

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It is a bottle of milk tea, yes, a transparent milk tea! A drink from Japan's SUNTORY and arouses interest among some young people and Japan foodies. Yesterday, my family bought and I had a try of it.



Process 過程

Outline 起稿

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Its' smell and taste like KIRIN's Gogo No Kōcha (Afternoon Tea). Heavy syrup after taste and even some cough syrup like stays on tongue (x_x) Hm..


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From the label print, then the light area to dark. I used color pencil to outline the words. A little bit regret draw it on a postcard size, not enough space for details.

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The taste is too sorry for me. I think I won't buy the next bottle... But I like the Afternoon Tea very much. I tried homemade Tapioca Milk Tea and the local Hong Kong style milk tea doesn't match much, but the Afternoon Tea (personal taste). However, for milk tea, I still the fan of local one with Ceylon tea and evaporated milk (sometimes condensed milk).



Epilogue 後記

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When the drink was released, it said that this is an office culture in Japan that drink with color in office or meeting is not mature, so this can be a little "treat". Also, the drops on shirt won't make dirty because it is invisible. It seems the "functions" is more important then the taste, lol. Anyway, one man's meat is another man's poison. It is also interesting to have a try of this trendy new drink (I was not sponsored).


Edit: On 1/11, the "the National Tea Day" , Suntory released a Youtube video (gif like video) which explains the method of making transparent tea. 追記:在11月1日紅茶日,三得利在Youtube上載了製作這透明茶飲料的片段。(雖說片段...但也只是一條動圖般的片)

National Tea Day/紅茶之日:The first person of Japanese, Mr. Daikokuya, met tea in Russia. 紀念第一位日本人於俄羅斯品嘗到紅茶。Japanese Tea Assoication (in JP)|Daikokuya


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