[Photography] Halloween at Lan Kwai Fong 蘭桂坊萬聖節

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Yesterday, the Halloween, I went to Lan Kwai Fong on the Island side with @nicolemoker @Krischy @htliao and @aaronli. My plan was re-pick up my camera and practice photo shooting. At night, the street was full of amazing dressed up people and party vibe.


Camera : Canon EOS M / 18-55mm lens

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Although there was notice of long waiting time and long queue, we didn't spend too much time on waiting. Chatting, shooting and looking around for different cosplay redirected our attention of waiting. In fact, from the Central MTR Station to LKF, we only spent about 20 mins to get there.

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For who want to have an extempore make up, there was make up artists at the entrance of the street. (I think it was paid service)

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Some of the dress ups were characters from movies, games, comics, etc. If you found those you like, you may ask for taking a photo with them. (usually welcome)

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Some of the photo are too dark and I touched and pushed in PS. The result is grain color noise. The temperature 20°C but there was feel like over 30°C. A distance of walking for about 20-mins, we spent almost 2 hours to finish. And afterwards we did selfies on the way to station. (You may also interested in @krischy's post and @htliao's post)

環境光不足,加上沒有很專業的裝備和足夠穩定下來的曝光時間(沒用閃光燈)結果有些照片很暗。在PS調光的後果是噪點很多,直接變成黑白比較自在。明明已經很清涼二十度左右的晚上,在這裡體感溫度上三十度耶!而廿十分鐘就走完的斜路,這晚走了兩個多小時,哈哈!然後我們還意猶未盡的在回地鐵站路上不停拍照。(可以參照一下Kris 和Htliao的Post)


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