@kenchung 发起的
It's very difficult for me, but I've try it. The answer is correct, just don't know what about the efficiency of the code. I study the method of OO for the whole night but I failed, I doubt the class methods of PHP don't support recursive invocation. The code is PO. Please correct!
@kenchung 给出了用数学归纳的方法来解答,有图有真相:<?php
function go($from_x=0, $from_y=0, $target_x, $target_y)
global $cnt;
if($from_x>$target_x || $from_y>$target_y)
return; //如果起点超过终点,则返回
if($from_x$target_x && $from_y$target_y)
go($from_x+1,$from_y,$target_x,$target_y); //向东移动,递归调用
go($from_x,$from_y+1,$target_x,$target_y); //向北移动,递归调用
return $cnt;
global $cnt;
echo $atob*$btoc;
在 @justyy 的帮助下,修改了一下:with the help of @justyy I correct:
function go($from_x=0, $from_y=0, $target_x, $target_y)
global $cnt;
if($from_x$target_x || $from_y$target_y)
go($from_x+1,$from_y,$target_x,$target_y); //向东移动,递归调用
go($from_x,$from_y+1,$target_x,$target_y); //向北移动,递归调用
return $cnt;
global $cnt;
echo $atob*$btoc;
反正只要横坐标到3或纵坐标到4,就只剩下死路一条了哈哈哈,不需要非得走到B点了,我果然是浪费了效率哈哈。至于更复杂的我暂时还没有整明白。。。至于我这个坐标的问题,多两个变量吧,这年月多两个变量应该不是事,实 际操作我觉得还是明白点比较好,为以后修改代码和维护做好准备。。习惯整得好分辩一些吼吼。
@justyy 给出了数学排列组合的方法和三种编程思想,一种比一种更高效:
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