Ghosts And Gothic Novels | Comic Update #14

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I've been trying to incorporate many classic elements of gothic literature (think Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, Wuthering Heights, etc.) into this project and you'll be hard-pressed to find a gothic novel without the supernatural. Whether it's actual literal ghosts and ghouls or a metaphor for a character's breakdown, no true gothic tale would not be complete without something a little spooky going on.

Imelda's visitor in this page will be a reoccurring element throughout the comic, showing up at various points in the story as the main character struggles to find her place in Victorian society, breaks into the spiritualist movement, and attempts to reconcile with the traumas of her past.


So that's the last of the pages of this project for now; I set a personal goal to get these first 8 pages done by a certain time and I'm happy to say I actually accomplished that goal. I'll still be working on it at a slower pace but probably won't be posting any updates for a little while. I think I'll make one last post however with all the pages together so ya'll can see how the pages flow in sequence.

Thank you for sticking around and following me through this project. I appreciate all of your feedback and help thus far.

[insert comic name here] is a gothic style story set in the 19th century about an immigrant houseworker who uses the spiritualist movement to rebel against the societal pressures of the time. If you would like to read the previous updates about this story, you can find them in the links below:

Update 1: Progress
Update 2: Perspective is The Worst
Update 3: Art Hacks
Update 4: Establishing Shots
Update 5: Changes
Update 6: Loving/Hating Your Work
Update 7: New Techniques
Update 8: Speed Draw
Update 9: Quick Update
Update 10: In Media Res
Update 11: Exposition Time
Update 12: Life as a 19th Century Maid
Update 13: The Wonders of Indoor Plumbing

Thanks for Reading!

If you'd like to keep up with more of my work you can check me out at the following:

Instagram: @la.fumettista
Twitter: @TheresaChiechi

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