How To Make Positive Affirmations Work For You

With the awareness of the fact that the universe grants you what you wish for through positive affirmations, there have been several ways to go about it that have been taught in books and by teachers and coaches. The popular notion seems to be that by stating positive affirmations they will be on their way to their goals. It doesn't always happen this way.

Let me give an example here to illustrate my point. Karen is forty years old and overweight by 70 pounds. She finds it difficult to get along because her weight makes it difficult for her to move. She can not even climb a flight of stairs without stopping after every two steps. She seldom goes out due to her weight problem.

She feels even worse because of her negative thoughts associated with her state of being overweight. Every time she looks in the mirror she sees herself and feels like exclaiming aloud. Even worse, her emotional condition makes her eat more especially when she feels lonely which is quite often. She also feels that there seems to be no one who can help her.

In Karen's case her condition and mental setup has been built up over several years. In fact ever since she has been overweight which is since her childhood she has had thoughts and complexes which have shaped her life. Saying positive affirmations out loud a few times may simply not help her.

One day when she feels absolutely miserable she switched on the TV to lighten her mood. She surfs through different channels and stops at a talk show by two lively women who are happily talking about how positive affirmations have been good for them. Unfortunately by the time she tuned in, it is the middle of the program. In the rest of it the ladies only talk about how, what you see in your mind, can turn true through affirmations.

Karen feels like she should try it for herself and immediately writes down a few self affirmations. She remembers that the affirmation should be positive and reflect what she wants. She feels that losing weight can be easy if done this way.

What happens next is a familiar story that is the experience of so many people. She reads out her affirmations every day and after a week she finds that nothing has changed. The reason that it does not work is because after writing what she exactly wants, and including words like "thin" in the affirmation statement, she herself doesn't fully believe that it will come true.

The way that people usually go about it is wrong. Karen should have started with a small step and a very basic affirmation and then moved on to bigger affirmations based on what she wanted. For example the first affirmation should be that she is taking positive steps towards feeling healthier. This would have been not only true but easy to believe in as well.

Many write what would amount to lies in their affirmations and almost wish them to turn into truth. That would be the wrong approach. Instead using a basic statement implying the initiation of steps towards an improvement will be motivational as well as practical.

After Karen uses an amended statement for affirmation she will find herself weighing a 10 or 20 pounds less in a couple of months. Even at that stage including words like "I am thin" may not be appropriate. Instead, she should include a statement implying the continuation of improvement, until the time that she has lost a significant amount of weight.

Following this method anyone can achieve success through affirmations with confidence, practicality and inspiration to keep going while experiencing small but consistent improvements.

Wish everyone a Happy New Year and have a great 2018!!

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