Title and Blurb Writing Challenge!💲 $ Prizes! 🤑 Steemit Fame! 🙌

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UPDATE: Contest is now closed! We have a winner! See HERE

Ok guys, we are going to flex a writing muscle we probably don't work out very often. This challenge has dual purpose, 1: You can win real dough, and 2: You will refine an important aspect of blogging.

You will become a better and more professional blogger by flexing the muscles for this challenge!

Your headline is the first thing a potential reader sees. That initial sentence will entice a person to either click to read your full article, or send them scrolling for the hills.

Your headline must be attention grabbing.

A blurb is a short description typically found on the back of a book or DVD.

Basically it tells you what the book or film is about in a few sentences as advertisement, and if done well compels you into buying that book or movie, or clicking on to read more, so you can experience the whole story.

As writers, sometimes we can be a bit overly descriptive. This challenge will exercise your creativity to cut out all the fluff and tell the story just enough so your reader gets the basic idea.

Clickbait is overly dramatic, grabs the reader by the emotions, and usually is silly or overdramatic. It hooks the reader- they must click on it!

This is going to be fun! And will expand your imagination by creatively spinning what could be a mundane topic- in this case something in the news.

How to enter:

Pick something in the recent news- must be within 30 days. Write a clever, attention grabbing title (headline) and brief synopsis (blurb). Post your news title and blurb the comments of this post. The entry with the highest number of upvotes wins 1st prize in SBD, and the entry with second highest number of upvotes will win runner up SBD prize. Also cite your source- post link to the news source.


Must be your own work.

Contest will be up for 7 days.

You may enter as many times as you like, however you can only win once. In the case of two of your entries receiving the highest number of upvotes you will only win one prize and will forfeit the second prize to the next entry with the next highest number of upvotes. That's so there are definitely two different winners :)

You must upvote and resteem the contest, and you must place your entry on the comment section of THIS post.


1st Place $6 SBD
2nd Place $3 SBD


Their percentage of 50% of the net earnings of this post. Whichever is higher.

For instance if this post makes $100 net in 7 days, the 1st place winner will receive $35 SBD and 2nd place will win $15 SBD. If the post nets $60, 1st will win $20, 2nd $10. etc.

Be sure to Resteem this post after you have published your entry in the comments, that way your followers can vote for yours!

Entry upvotes will be counted with third party verification and winner announced Thursday evening, August 10th, 2017.

Be clever! Be funny! Invoke Jim Carreys spirit and be cray-cray!

But most of all have fun!

Good Luck!


Follow @ArbitraryKitten for more

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Please Upvote and Resteem


I appreciate your support and ♡ your comments and questions :)

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