USD Scam Coin Surpasses $20 Trillion in Debt, but You're Supposed to Fear Cryptocurrency

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell, 1984

The governments and central bankers of the world want to convince you this is something dangerous you need to stay away from:

The mainstream media has foretold bitcoin's "death" 160 times (visit to see some hilariously ignorant examples):

If USD was a cryptocurrency coin, it would be the most obvious SCAM Coin around as @ashe-oro articulated so well last week:

My biggest concern with fractional reserve fiat debt-based currency is how it is used to fund wars that would otherwise be impossible. Some argue it also funds other good things we want as well such as roads, bridges, and infrastructure systems. Fair enough, but even children are taught just because you want something doesn't mean you can take it from someone else. The collateral holding up this $20 trillion dollars is the incredibly lucrative process of human farming. The economic output of the tax slaves give nation states the credit ratings they need to continue creating money out of nothing.

If you're confused on how this works, then you don't know the Story of Your Enslavement:

Cryptocurrency is in direct contrast to this system because it's based on voluntarily agreed upon protocols, not threats of violent force. It thrives in an environment of competition where evolution is required for survival. Everyone who owns a share in the cryptocurrency space has a voice as to how their coin of choice should function and many projects are open source and open to valuable input and change. Those that aren't may see their marketshare diminish, as we saw this year as bitcoin dominance dropped below 50% of the total market cap.

Yes, cryptocurrency is a bit confusing for those just learning about it. I'm trying to help there with my videos. My suggestion is to start with Steemit. Earn just a little cryptocurrency and then transfer it around to an exchange to buy some BTC or something else. Maybe trade your BTC for an Amazon Gift Card via

Use it to understand it.

When we understand how messed up the fiat currency world is, the obvious question becomes Why Are You Waiting to Buy Cryptocurrency?

In early 2013 of my cryptocurrency journey, I watched some fun cartoon videos you might enjoy. Some of the quotes are incorrectly attributed and some of the concepts are overly simplified, but I still found them quite helpful for understanding that money today really is debt.

Money as Debt 1 (0:46 hours)

Money as Debt 2 (1:17 hours)

Money as Debt 3 (2:19 hours)

Another interesting way to understand how we got here is to understand the formation of the Federal Reserve via a secret meeting at Jekyll Island. G. Edward Griffin has some pretty crazy ideas on other topics, but I think he gets this stuff mostly right:

The Creature from Jekyll Island (1:47 hours)

Please, get informed. Understand how money works and what it is. Since the beginning, money has served us as a ledger and cryptographic blockchain currencies are the best ledger inventions ever created. Yes, there are very real privacy and control concerns which is why some truly anonymous cryptocurrency projects are so important which relates to a larger discussion on Privacy, Identity, and Human Flourishing.

I hope you find this content useful, and it begins your own journey towards economic freedom.

Peace is prosperity.
Voluntary living is Freedom.
Strength is knowledge.

Some tools for your journey:

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

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