Murder on Sonnenburgstrasse?

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Does the picture also cause you this not really nice feeling? Spilled red liquid all over the floor ... blood, pain, torture, cries, murder. At least that's what was in my mind yesterday as my fresh apple-beetroot juice has slipped of my hand and made my juicing efforts go out of the window :D

As I was cleaning the mess, I was thinking about how our minds are easily programmed by what our eyes see. I've never seen any murder scene in my life. Not even a big amount of blood on the floor. And yet, my mind was still "sure" it's blood what I see. Just because of all those movies I've seen over the years, where the basic equation which always applies is red = blood.

This also reminded me of my DON'T GET FOOLED post about not believing pictures. Well, we can't believe our eyes either :D

Don't get fooled again!


Sposobuje Vam tato foto taktiez zimomriavky alebo aspon motylov v zaludku? Cervena tekutina na podlahe....krv, bolest, mucenie, vykriky, vrazda. To je to, co ma vcera ihned napadlo potom, co som rozlial moju stavu z cervenej repy a jablk a uspesne tak zavrsil 10 minut odstavovania :D

Popri tom, ako som to cistil, som rozmyslal, ako lahko je nasa mysel programovatelna tym, co vidime vo filmoch/mediach. Nikdy som ziadne miesto vrazdy ani rozliatu krv nevidel. Napriek tomu si bol moj mozog "isty", ze utieram krv. Len kvoli vsetkym tym filmom, ktore som videl, kde skoro vzdy plati jednoducha rovnica, ze cervena = krv.

Tiez mi to inak pripomenulo moj "Nenechajte sa oklamat" post o fotografiach. Vyzera to tak, ze nemozeme verit uz ani nasim ociam :D

Nenechajte sa oklamat podruhe!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. [My 3 months in Pakistan #4] Lahore - traffic, cuisine, city & Badshahi mosque
  2. My first successful 30 meters slackline walk!!
  3. My sport transformation (Ball games -> Fitness -> Calisthenics -> Slackline -> Handstands -> Jiu jitsu)
  4. Humans, sports and self-esteem
  5. Im enjoying my time abroad but hey...Slovakia is beautiful too!
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