13 Steps to Develop your Product: An Overview

After working through the complete process from getting an idea to finishing the product documentation, the result is collected here for a better overview:

Step I: What does an Engineer do?

  • Small recapitulation of the tasks and skills of an engineer.
  • What destinguishes him from a tinkerer and a scientist?

Step II: The first STEP on the way to YOUR Product: Inventing

  • You got an idea, what you could do, but how develop it?
  • Explore you idea.
  • Tools for discovery and imagination.

Step III: The Other Kind of Research: Put your IDEA into the World

  • Trowing the idea into the world.
  • Comparing with what is already available.
  • Where to look for competition.

Step IV: The Requirement List: The ENGINEERS way of TAKING AIM

  • Defining the goal.
  • What is the result of the work.
  • How to define goals.
  • How to keep track of them.

Step V: Function Analysis: No Maths but still solving Problems

  • Analyze the function of the product.
  • Break down and simplify.
  • Seperating the product into easy to solve parts.

Step VI: Part Solutions: Solving one function after another

  • How to develope technical solutions for your functions?
  • Effect approach to technical solution.
  • How to be creative?
  • A good copy is better than a bad invention.

Step VII: Combined Solutions or How to build a spaceship

  • How to combine solutions to the complete product?
  • Keeping an overview and structure.
  • Finding a combination that works with the requirements.

Step VIII: Comparing Combined Solutions: What is the best spaceship?

  • Comparing multiple solutions.
  • Weighted criterias to focus on the important factors.
  • Narrowing down on the optimal product.

Step IX:Embodiment Design - Part 1: The Basic Rules and Principles

  • Solving details of the product.
  • Checking common rules and principles.

Step X:Embodiment Design Part 2: Guidelines for Design

  • Using the guidelines for design to develop a rounded product.
  • Leaving nothing to chance.

Step XI:To share IDEAS with OTHERS: Engineering Drawings

  • Why are engineering drawings important?
  • What makes them special?
  • What is needed to make them?

Step XII:8 Steps to YOUR Engineering Drawings

  • Which basic steps are made to get the drawings?
  • The essentials of engineering drawings.
  • Finishing up construction.

Step XIII:Product Lists and the Avtomat Kalashnikova

  • Last step in the process.
  • Listing all products in optimal structure.

Bonus:Books for Mechanical Engineering

  • 5 books for mechanical engineering.
  • All of them in German.

If you need advice or help with your product, feel free to contact me over:

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