Debunked myths: "Communism creates egalitarian societies"

"Cultural myths and taboos of modern society" is a series of posts where I write about specific beliefs some people still have that I think have been properly debunked.


Incredibly for me, I still know some people that believe in this ideology, and refuse to accept its historical failures. And I have seen several cases of students in America's colleges campuses make manifestations in support of this model


In this post, I will explain why communism will NEVER create an egalitarian society.

Here are some of the "benevolent" dear leaders

This myth is very easy to deny by simply looking at the results obtained by every nation that adopted this ideology, starting with the Soviet Union (which collapsed), Cuba (which is very poor despite its potential), China (which ended up incorporating capitalist ways in its economy so they could thrive), North Korea (which is one of the most miserable nations in the world, and it doesn’t hold a candle when comparing it with South Korea), East Germany (which was absorbed by West Germany)

In every one of those nations, the politicians in power profess egalitarianism, while ironically they live like Kings and Queens. And the people is destined to a life of mediocrity because of all the controls meticulously designed to “equalize” opportunities for everyone.

My experience living with this system

In my country Venezuela for example, in 1999 a socialist revolution was started, and one of the first thing they did in the 2000s to increase their control was to enforce a currency exchange control, in which NO CITIZEN was allowed to freely exchange the local currency with external one’s. Imagine if you wanted to exchange your dollars for some euros, and imagine the government forbade you to do that. The totalitarianism can be smelled from a mile away!

The results I am sure you can guess them, eventually that system was used to assign cheap dollars to the same government officials and their crony friends, while regular people needed to go to the black market where the dollar is so much more expensive.

To put things into perspective about Venezuela, according to the black market rate (which is the one used to calculate product's prices), a dollar is worth 106,925 BsF and the minimum wage right now is 456,500 BsF. The highest bill which is worth 100,000BsF is not enough to buy 1 single dollar. And it keeps losing value, in October 2017 a dollar was 40,000BsF...

It’s important to notice the fundamental problems that end up causing the collapse of this type of economic model. In communism (when taken to practice), everything depends on the state, which is the one deciding what to do with the resources. The issue is, the people controlling the state, aren’t angels, aren’t celestial beings, they are just human beings as everyone else, and by nature, they will search for what is best for themselves, and after that, they might start thinking in the rest. This is why, for example, after the famous Cuban revolution about 50 years ago, there is still no free and fair elections, the people in power just don’t want to lose it.

Another fundamental problem, consist in the fact that under this circumstances, the State plan to enforce the people who actually work into supporting the people who don’t work, creating an unhealthy dynamic, because the more resources the State gives away, the bigger the votes, and the bigger the control they have over everything.

Inevitably everyones ends up trapped inside the wills of "The Party"

This also promotes not hard work, but fidelity to “The Party”, until a point where being loyal to this politicians is more important than being productive in order to have a good life. It doesn’t matter if you are excellent at your job, if you don’t support “The Party” you wont find success anywhere, and you might lose even your freedom.

This sick dynamic can get to a point in which you have whole families, living a subsided life only be being loyal the “The Party”, with kids being educated how they can play the system so they can also get a subsided life when reaching adulthood.

But why they do this? Again, because they want the best form them with the less effort. This is a big difference with capitalism, where smart and productive work is also compensated accordingly.

Now, I believe helping people is good, as long as it’s voluntarily and no freedom is destroyed for doing it. Giving help should be something we decide freely, because we want to, not because we are forced by a major power.

Luckily, getting involved in Crypto is a great opportunity to escape the economic collapse typical of this ideology.

Do you know people that still believe and support this system? If so, why do you think they to it?

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