My History with @familyprotection and why I am involved.

Almost 6 months ago, Mark Whittam approached me about joining him in a Steemit initiative to offer support & awareness of the injustices done to families and children by "Child Protection Services" (CPS).

I accepted, and we came up with the account name @familyprotection

"Child Protection" Agencies are Taking Children Away from their Loving Families.

I discovered Mark's interesting blog about 10 months ago, and then a month after I started following him he put up a post about how how CPS in Sweden had threatened to take his child away! He followed that up with yet another update of how they had to flee the country.

The Government Want's our Child, Which is Why We Are Going On The Run (by Mark Whittam)
Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free? (by Mark Whittam)


I upvoted them with full strength and resteemed his posts to my many followers.
As those who have followed me on Steemit for the last 1.5 years will know, I have been a vocal supporter of homeschooling/unschooling. So to discover that Mark Whittam's family could be destroyed simply for doing what I am freely allowed to do where I live in Canada, was horrifying to discover.

Here are some of the posts that I have done explaining how my family unschools, and my views on it.

How Schools FAIL So Many Children -- The "Animal School" Analogy
DRUGS for KIDS -- If Your Child Has a Condition Know as "BEING A CHILD" the Answer is DRUGS (Parody)
Children who Question Authority at School are DRUGGED (ie Ritalin) or otherwise squelched.
Right-Brained Children Discriminated against by a Left-Brained School System
A Person's A Person, No Matter How Small! -- Children Should be Seen AND Heard
LIVING IS LEARNING: Amazing Unschooled Babies Learn to Walk & Talk .... and more!


After reading Mark's blogs about the CPS threat to his family, I shared a bit with him about experiences that I had knowing and helping friends who were attacked by CPS as well. Many other people shared their experiences with Mark in the comments. He had not known the huge extent of the problem in so many countries of the world, until members of the Steemit community poured out their heartbreaking tales.

Below are stories that I have already shared about my good friend, Anna, and how her children were taken and the family shattered to pieces. These events happened right in my home town, so the names have been changed to protect both of our families.

When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted -- Tammy's Story
The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Anna's Story Part I
Healing Families Destroyed by CPS -- Anna's Story Part II
The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION -- Anna's Story Part III
Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust -- Anna's Story Part IV
Fighting Government Child Kidnappers in Court -- Anna's Story Part V
The System is Stacked Against Parents -- Anna's Family Story Part VI


So, this is how @familyprotection started -- organically and at a grassroots level, by bloggers uniting. Steemit members began to support each other through each others Steemit blogs, and it seemed like a natural progression to Mark to make it slightly more formal by starting a separate account that a community could form around.

Mark requested my support and help. He knew that I had a long and well-respected history on Steemit, and he felt that I had helped him the most in getting his story out to the world.

I nearly said no. I feared the possible repercusions of being too vocal about this topic.

I KNOW how spiteful CPS can be against those who shine a light into their darkness.

But I felt the tugging at my heart that I could not deny or refuse. I HAD to do this!

I knew that there was a reason that I found Steemit so early on, became a successful blogger, and then was blessed with a surprise whale-size delegation. There was a MUCH greater purpose to all of these events than just my personal gain.

@familyprotection has fallen into place so naturally and with so much more success than I imagined it would. I now have a VERY important new mission in life; to spread awareness of Government-Funded Child Trafficking and to help protect families from becoming victims of it.

A HUGE thank-you to all of you who have joined Mark and myself on this journey so far.
The best is yet to come!

Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.

Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection


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