Thank You @familyprotection

Due to @familyprotection donating back the sbd I donated them, and @apanamamama giving me this idea, I have been able to expedite the application process to join HSLDA. The total was $66. This included the one time processing fee, the $11 monthly fee, and the $40 fee to rush my application. They say I will get an answer in two business days, and it's Friday, so I'm expecting to get an answer by Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Hopefully we'll be accepted. If you don't know HSLDA stands for Homeschool Legal Defense Association. I couldn't remember if we were members of HSLDA in the past, but apparently we were, because our info was already in their database. Looking at this post preview, I see that HSLDA has an emergency number too, and I will call it.

SBD is being sold for around $3.50, so I was able to transfer about $150 onto my shift card because of @familyprotection's generosity. That means tomorrow I will also be able to fill my gas tank should we flee. (Anyone have an unoccupied cabin in Wisconsin you'd be willing to let us live in?) The real challenge would be getting Jared to agree of course.

Thank you also to @paradise-found for reaching out to me. We live so close to each other!!

I feel a lot of different emotions at once right now. I'm grateful, humbled, overwhelmed and depleted all at once. I'm not naturally a fighter. That said, I am a true individualist, and I don't respond very well to being controlled by a machine like entity. None of us in our family do. We thrive in environments that foster freedom.


Apparently this whole ordeal awakened my desire to make memes. lol


Have you ever thought of this?


Today, we did very little homeschooling, and will resume the lessons tomorrow. (Yes, on a Saturday! :) We can do that!) They did a couple of worksheets though. For science we will be labeling our organs and other body parts. This is a picture of Chloe decorating her outline.

They wanted to use the leftover poster board to make their own posters, so I let them. Then the whole time I thought to myself what do I do if the social worker and police officer decide to stop by now?? They aren't doing schoolwork! It's just stressful. I think back to My Children Are Free and think how naive of me...

Anyway, I hope you all have a great evening!!

If you're just learning about my situation now, and would like to catch up, here are my other posts:
It's happening
Still Together
My Actions Concerning CPS
Police and Social Worker Coming Today
Better than Expected
Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Love, snowpea ❤

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