There's Always A Next Time - Part 11


That birthday became a glimpse of a wedding since that moment and, since that day, their life became a glimpse of a married couple's life. It took them less than two hours to have their first argue as a couple when the party was ver and Ahmed stopped a taxi for linda and said that he will walk home. "It's only a twenty minutes walk after all" he said.
She said she's concerned about him walking to that unsafe neighbourhood alone in the night. He pushed her in the taxi and asked her to call him and they will discuss this on the phone.

The argue went on and on and the discussion took them to Linda's idea that Ahmed should move out of that scary place and rent a house somewhere else.
-“I know I will never live there with you.” She said.
-”So now we're discussing terms? Is that a condition?”
-”You can analyse it the way you want but this is my last word!”

When Ahmed wanted to walk home he wanted to enjoy the silence and find some peace in the sleeping city. Having an argue in the phone is the last thing he wanted at that moment and Lynda made it easier for him to just end the call like that and shut the phone with her provoking words and tone of voice. Lynda called him over and over and then she decided to send him an sms. Her first draft was "So that's how committed you are? The first time things get serious you walk away?" then she deleted it and wrote "Oh you are so gonna regret this". Again, she didn't send it. "I hate you!" was the third draft and she didn't delete it this time neither did she send it. She kept looking at it and crying.

Ahmed totally forgot about that argument, he was thinking about how lucky he was when Lynda told him that she loves him. It was the best day of his life. He waited for years and he never thought it would be this beautiful and this romantic and funny at the same time. Only when he got home he remembered that he has to make up for what he did to Lynda.

Lynda was also in her room that time. When she could finally calm down she could delete that "I hate you" message and started writing a new one, less dramatic and more decent. She never wanted to be a drama queen and she hated herself for being this close to sending such an sms to Ahmed.

When Ahmed turned his phone on he found that she called him thirteen times in the last twenty minutes. That would make his task a little harder, he thought, but he knows her well enough to figure out someway to make he happy in no time and make up for everything. Few seconds later he received an sms from her saying that she's sorry, she didn't mean to say that and that she just have a bad feeling about that neighbourhood. He called her immediately and they talked for few minutes and everything was ok again except for Lynda’s bad feeling about that place.

Their first date felt really weird. They almost never met in the absence of Samir before so they decided to call him and and meet him before everyone goes home. Ahmed called him and he chose to mess with him a little so he said “Samir I need your advise, Lynda is driving me crazy! Why didn’t you warn me about women? Am I not your friend?!”
-Where are you? Let me come over so you can explain everything to me ok ?
-Ok let’s meet in the park.

Ahmed had more than one reason to choose that place. One of them of course was for the old days’ sake but, most of all, he wanted Lynda to go to her old neighbourhood so she would remember how safe and beautiful it is and she figures out how silly she sounds when she says otherwise.

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Part 01|Part 02|Part 03|Part 04|Part 05|Part 06|Part 07|Part 08|Part 09|Part 10


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