Colourful food- Japanese sashimi 日本料理刺身


In Japanese cuisine, seafood sashimi is essential, in fact, sashimi is raw fish, placed beautifully on the plate, put into shape. You can eat with soy sauce and wasabi sauce mud.

Previously, when the Japanese fishermen provided the sashimi, they will take some bamboo thorn in the fish and fish skin , that is originally called “sashimi”

Sashimi are usually the most fresh fish, together with the sauce, you can eat the taste of this delicacy. Now it is loved not only by Japanese , but also by people in other parts of the world.



刺身用的都是最新鲜的鱼,配以佐料,能够吃出刺身的鲜味,这道美食现在不仅受到日本人喜爱, 也受到世界其他地区的人的喜爱。

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