Delicious steamed nori dumplings 好吃的紫菜包子


Recently, I have been busy with my work and there is little time to make dumplings, I mean the steamed dumplings, usually I love eating the steamed dumplings especially with the laver and meat

My sister called me this afternoon and told me to make the steamed dumplings with her after working. I was very happy to hear that and went to her home directly. When I got her home , she had made the stuffing . It was really fresh laver with some meat in it . She also put some onions, ginger, salt, peanut oil . I can smell the taste of the laver when I got her home.



In fact, if Dalian people said the steamed dumplings are different from other places, because other places usually eat the leavened dough buns , but we usually eat the big Steamed Jiaozi . Half of the flour is made with boiling water, half of the flour with warm water . In this way the skin is soft and not hard to eat . We do not put soy sauce , just MSG, ginger , a little peanut oil. This way you can eat the taste of the fresh laver.

Look, in this pot, you can see the steamed dumplings up and down together with two steamed curtains, they are all big ones . I think eating two of them , you will be full . Haha , I ate four of them and wanted to eat another one . I am afraid my losing weight plan failed again . After all , it’s really hard for me to resist the delicious steamed laver dumplings.


Thanks for your reading and don’t forget to upvote me .

最近一直都在忙,好久没有包包子了,刚好,姐姐打电话说下班过去一起包紫菜包子吧。我一听真是高兴啊,当然答应了, 于是下班后,便直接来到了她家里。我去的时候, 姐姐已经调好了馅,真是货真价实的紫菜。里面放的瘦肉,葱姜,盐,花生油等调料, 紫菜的香味扑鼻而来。


瞧,这一锅,上下两个蒸帘,主要是个头大, 吃着过瘾。蒸好的包子是这样的!哈哈,我吃了四个,还想吃,不过晚上吃多了有点过分哦, 想控制体重恐怕又泡汤了。 哎,美味面前难以抗拒啊!

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