Safe gourds 平安葫芦


The gourd is one of the most popular mascots for the people in China, they often use the gourd to ward off evil spirits, cure illnesses and bring wealth. In the story of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, the old man Tieguai Liwho is carrying a large gourd, containing precious medicinal herbs, is said to be to bring auspicious treasure to the people.


There are a lot of mature gourd seeds in the gourds which mean we have generations of sons and grandchildren. The luxuriant auspicious gourd is also a symbol of harmony and means that the couple love and respect each other. People use gourds to make into beautiful diversiform crafts all the time.


These gourds are when I went to have a trip to Xiaoheishan with my colleagues in autumn, we bought them immediately from a few farmers as we also bought lots of agricultural products . When we come back, we scrape the skin off, hang them before the window, drying them here. Look , they are so good that can be processed into all kinds of shapes that we like !

I hope these gourds will bring everybody good luck!


成熟的葫芦里都有很多葫芦籽,让人想到“子孙万代,繁茂吉祥” 葫芦还象征着美满和谐 ,寓意着夫妻互敬互爱。人们用葫芦做成各色各样的工艺品,很是好看。

这些葫芦是我跟同事去小黑山秋游的时候,在几个老农家里买来的, 当时我们回来的时候,买了一些农产品, 看着这些葫芦很可爱,就买来些。回来大家把皮刮掉,就挂到窗户前,晾晒,没想到,处理后的葫芦还真的很不错,质量很好呢。



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