Spicy Bagels with Jalapeño+Cheddar Cheese (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

I think it’s safe to say that there are some universal truths learned when you start spending an obsessive large amount of time around food prep and cooking.


When it comes to food trends and fads, there is one thing that will never go out of style and that’s bread. Every time period, every culture, and every society has/had a form of it and, more often than not, it’s the basis around which meals are centered.


When it comes to types of bread, bagels are probably near the very top of favorites where my gang is concerned. Any of you that follow the blog may remember me talking about my (eh hem) bagel envy a few weeks ago. If not, then just know that I’m here to deliver on my promise of a new bagel recipe and I went with this super cheesy route because why not?


The recipe is fairly simple and pretty much the same as any other bagel recipe until you’re ready to pop them in the oven, that is. That’s when you smother them in tons of cheddar and plenty of jalapenos to fit your taste! The spicy jalapenos, sizzle on the cheese and create that classic and addictive flavor that everyone loves about this duo all over the bagels. These are all that you guys, you’ve just gotta try them if you’re a fan of bagels, spicy things, cheese, or just bread!!!


A little note to you that are actually going to make these; um, you may not want to do them all your favorite sil-pads because they’ll make everything you use them for afterwards taste like jalapenos. Not that I’d know anything about this from personal experience, just a tip that could prove helpful, yep.


Also, this is a really random sidenote, but I just realized it’s been way too long since I last decorated a cake. My family has been exceptionally boring with birthdays this year and most everyone seemed to want non-traditional desserts and denied me the chance to practice my cake decorating skills. It’s been even longer since I did it for no other reason than just getting to play in frosting, so I think there could potentially be a "just-because" cake coming as soon as I get my cast off and can use my broken wrist.


So these are great as they are, or with bagel’s best friend (cream cheese), or you can make some killer amazing bagel sandwiches on them, something that my brothers have already proved but keep telling me they need to test some more and therefore I need to make more of these bagels. There is clearly some serious bagel-obsession in my family.


Okay, so now that you’ve made it through all that rambling hopefully you’re at least going to give these a try!

As always, the recipe is available upon request, and I always give an upvote for the first one.

Also, check out some of my other recent food posts for more mouthwatering photos!

  1. White Bean Creamy Chicken Chili (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  2. Maple Cream Pudding & Pumpkin Bread Trifles (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  3. Rainbow Summer Veggie Rolls & Orange Tahini Dipping Sauce (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  4. Soft Browned Butter Pecan Cookies (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  5. Hot Pear, Gorgonzola, and Toasted Walnut Ham Sandwich (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  6. Chocolate Churros & White Hot Chocolate Sauce (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  7. Spiced Pumpkin Mocha Lattes


  9. National Peaches & Cream Day & an Upside Down Skillet Cake (FOOD PHOTO SHOOT)

  10. Buttermilk Sweet Potato Waffles + Vegetable Scramble (Gluten Free)

ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D5300 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.

AND A HUGE MASSIVE SHOUT OUT TO@rigaronib for designing my logo!!!! 


I am always open to feedback, and would love to know how you feel I could do better and please do not forget to


BADGES Courtesy of @elyaque

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