A Kind of Magic Every Man Can Do: Delicious Pancakes With Honey In The Morning

Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say, 'He's very odd, but he likes to cook. He's creepy, but he makes good pancakes!'

Zoe Lister-Jones | From brainyquote.com

Being a big fan of @gringalicious talent (Hola, mi amiga!), I was pretty much inspired by her wonderful post on pancakes to make this very post of mine. Check out the links and you will surely tell me that it’s nearly impossible to compete, so now I can only hope you will like my pancakes post too ;-)

So, here we boldly go and cook some wonderful breakfast for the whole family.


1 glass of kefir (sour milk);
1 glass of flour
1 egg;
2 tablespoons of sugar;
½ teaspoon of salt;
½ teaspoon of baking soda;
2-3 tablespoons of olive (or sunflower) oil;
Some good amount of sour cream and
1 ton of honey.

(Double-triple the amounts for a big family!)

Put in a bowl and mix well an egg, sugar and kefir. Add salt and oil and mix again.
In a separate bowl mix baking soda with flour and join all together. Mix thoroughly the mass until all lumps gone.

Slightly grease a dry griddle with some oil and preheat it with a medium heat. Put the mass you have on a griddle to form those beautiful pancakes.

When they become golden flip them over and cook for some more 3-4 minutes.

When ready get them out and add sour cream to taste as well as a ton of honey.

Enjoy your morning with the family!

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Chicken wings BBQ with grilled mushrooms, vegetables and chilled wine (Quick and Easy)
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If you liked my post, please don’t forget to upvote, follow and comment.
Would also appreciate sharing some love with @gringalicious – her food shoots and recipes are incredibly awesome! Cheers and have a great day!

Sincerely yours, @richman

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