My Freewriting Truth - The Over 20 Club

Thank you @fireawaymarmot for this terrific Freewrite Over 20 Club badge!
Thanks as well to @omra-sky for personalizing it for me!

      One of the greatest things in this life is when you stumble ass-backwards into something phenomenal.

      Four months ago, I came across @mariannewest's #freewrite initiative late at night when I should have been sleeping. Who is Marianne West? I could spend the next few hours telling you (and still miss something) or you could visit @ana-maria's beautiful story of this incredible woman here.

       A 5-minute freewrite is easy enough, set a timer, write about whatever the prompt word brought to my mind, and stop when the 5 minutes are up. Post what you've written as is, edit it, or say the hell with the time and carry on writing (which I've done a time or twelve). Marianne isn't fussy over any set "rules". She only asks two things: use the prompt and have fun!! This freedom to do as we wish has drawn so many to the freewriting group and made it what it is today!

      My first thought when I was invited by Marianne into the Freewrite Over 20 Club was, "Do I have to pick my own stories?" I was honored, of course, by her wanting me to highlight some of my favorites! She's such a sweetheart and she truly wants each and every freewriter to find success and happiness here on Steemit. But, I was at a loss as to what to write. What could I say about myself? I took a look back and noticed (these things take me a while), that I've been writing about myself all along.

An Uncomfortable Truth

      Some stories aren't our own. There is good and bad in everyone's life and I'm no exception. Sometimes, these prompts bring up memories that I’d rather not think about. Highly personal things that would shame some people in my life to have on a public platform. I NEVER want to hurt these people but, I want to write what I feel. My compromise is to call them fiction.

A Special Occasion

      My moniker on Steemit comes from two places. The first was Mrs. Brisby from Don Bluth's The Secret of NIMH. Seeing Mrs. Brisby fight against everything she was terrified of to save her children was one of my comforts as a child. Her willingness to do anything for those that she loved made me want to be like her. The second meaning to brisby is broken bone. It is a nickname given to someone who has been in a lot of fights.

      These stories were memories, often written as though they happened to someone else. Which makes sense, since I’m a different person now than I was then. The memories are painful but, they are a part of me and they formed me into who I am today. This next one, from the prompt Purple Squirrel, made me think of hallucinating. Which is easy to do driving late at night when you're exhausted.

Purple Squirrel

A Growing Truth

      As the days go on, I become more comfortable with my writing. More willing to open up and share more of myself. More open to expressing feelings that I have in my quiet moments and write about the little things that are special to me. I love water. Swimming, bathing and especially splashing in the rain. Maybe it's because I'm a cancer?


      On the weekends, the freewrites get a bit crazy. Marianne posts 3 prompts and the idea is to write the first one for 5 minutes, then continue on with the second and third. They're a bit more challenging but three times as much fun! This story was a continuation from an idea that formed in a previous prompt, The Taste of Chicken. (Hey Marianne, do you realize how often birds and poultry products show up in your prompts? LOL!) These two stories contained some of my favorite elements to write about, loneliness, growth, magic, and horror. I like the characters that were created and plan to continue their tale. The second one, Forbidden, is my first piece of fiction to receive a Curie vote. To this day, I am still humbled that they thought it was deserving.



The Truth Is

       My favorite part about these freewrites are the comments. Where people chime in with their thoughts to the stories. Jokes are told and experiences are shared and it's more fun that I ever thought comments could be! I've tried other platforms and, aside from reconnecting with my Mr. First Kiss, I was less than impressed. I made it two weeks on one before growing tired of people wanting to be "friends". (My ass they wanted to be friends!) Most who contacted me just wanted to up their numbers. (No thank you!) Numbers don't mean a damn thing without a connection, without interaction. My friend, @omra-sky, was the reason that I gave Steemit a chance. (Sure, I liked it after I lurked around for a couple of weeks to scope the scene but, without him, I wouldn't have bothered. Thank you Omra!!) Through this next story, I met two of my favorite people here, @f3nix and @snook. The two of them went to town in the comments section and made me laugh!

Dirty Dishes

      Two months ago, @omra-sky, wrote a hilarious tribute to his friends The Old Steemians Home, which set off this insane and wonderful series of his freewriting friends living together in an old folk's home. (BTW, check out the video Omra & Snook made!) His story made me laugh and want to join in the shenanigans! Since it was Christmas, I wanted us to celebrate together! My friends came out to play in the comments and I still go back and read through any time I need a laugh!

An Old Steemians Home Christmas Eve

      Sometimes my friends visit my post and the in jokes can carry on into additional pages! My blog page is my home here and they have no problem coming right on in, raiding the fridge, rifling through the music, and having a party. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Vacuum the Dog

      Through each and every one of these stories, Marianne was there. She pushes herself to be there for all of us. Encouraging, laughing, and becoming our friend. Thank you Marianne, for this chance to look back and for being you!

Thank you @omra-sky for my lovely Squirrple Necklace separator!

This awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot!

Title GIF by my friend 👉 @omra-sky

GIF gift by my friend @snook 💚

Thank you for reading!

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