Never Tried It -- ✏️5 Minute Freewrite Day 242✏️ -- "Herbs"

Despite the enjoyment I get from cooking, when thinking of the word “herbs,” what’s top of mind is marijuana. Despite that being what naturally came to mind, I haven’t smoked or digested marijuana.

I’ve been told of its many benefits and I’m definitely in favor of it being used to help people, I just have never tried it.

I wonder why marijuana has so many nicknames. Herb, Mary Jane, refer, etc., etc. You would have to think that something with so many nicknames is really good or really bad. Like a famous person or a serial killer – they are given different nicknames based on what they’ve accomplished.

Or maybe the nicknames come from the necessity of keeping it a secret since it’s been illegal in the majority of the U.S. for quite some time.

I find nicknames confusing for the most part, or at least when there are hundreds of them for one thing. Maybe it just makes me feel old when something gains a nickname that I’m not familiar with. Like police, how many nicknames are there for police? Pigs, 5-0, “Po-po,” etc.

Anyways, maybe this is the only association I could make with the word herbs because I don’t know many herbs. I season my food, but I basically just grab spices and start dumping them into a pan. Parsley, oregano, those are herbs, right?

When it comes to cooking, I’m not very educated, but I can make a mean bowl of Ramen.

This is my entry for @mariannewest's 5 Minute Freewrite Day 242. The prompt for this freewrite was "herbs." This writing is unedited and was typed in 5 minutes, so please follow my blog for more polished examples of my writing, and thank you for stopping by!

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