Weekend Freewrite 2: 3 Prompts 5 Minutes Each

Hello! This my first attempt for the weekend freewrite in which @mariannewest gives us 3 different prompts that will create a story.

If you would like to follow along with the freewrite:

Get the Prompt

Set Timer for 5 minutes
Write without thinking, or stopping
Stop writing at 5 minutes

To do all 3 prompts continue through the prompts until the third, dramatic twist, prompt post. Then tag your writing with the #freewrite, and #weekendfreewrite tags.

Be sure to copy the link for your post, and then comment in the last post, which has the purple headline picture.

“I like hats.” That is what Donald said the day before he killed Sally.
No one thought anything about it as he walked out of the local post office.
But the hours that followed were triggered by these very words.
She followed him down the street, but he vanished out of sight. That’s when she saw the blood.
Sally didn’t want to catch his eyes, but instantly she knew that he saw her too.
Quickly she looked away, and ran as fast as she could to the crowded bus stop.
She caught her breath, but her heart rate was out of control.
She knew he had followed her away from the body, that now laid cold and lifeless on the side walk, but what could she do; she was all alone, and he was looking through the crowd.
Looking for her eyes. Had she never followed him out of the post office, she would have never seen what he did.
She wouldn’t be in danger, or fleeing for her life.
But he had seen her, and that was enough for her to fear him.

She found him in the Terminal Bar and Grill. He was sober for a change.
She wanted to speak to him, but he was irritated by something that she could not decide the reason.
Before she could walk up to Donald, Sally saw the reason.
The woman was crying and begging him, for money she could only imagine, since she had seen the disapproval in his face. The same disapproval she noticed when she asked him for the same.
But this time it was different. He wasn’t just upset, or reluctant, he was down right anger over the predicament.
She followed him to the post office.
He looked up some kind of information on the board, and then purchased a money order. It tooks him a few times, to count out enough cash to pay for the piece of paper, but when he was done, he quickly grabbed the slip, and hurried out the door.
Sally wasn’t sure what Donald need the money for, or what it had to do with hats. All she knew is that he was clearly upset.

The time he caught a flyball, Donald as a baseball fan was the happiest person alive. The pitcher, Loen Harris signed Donald’s baseball hat that day. It was his treasured collector’s item, and he saved it from dust and dirt in a glass globe. It shined in the sunlight, like a sparkling gem on his manel at home.
But none of the reasons she could think of, could save Sally.
The day she broke into his house and stole his baseball hat signed by Leon Harris was the day he she let the monster out from under the bed.
She could tell by his anger in the Bar and Grill that he believed that girl had stolen his hats. He killed her for that reason, Sally knew that now.
But it didn’t matter. Because she had witnessed his outrage, and now she was the one who had to pay the price.
Even though, it was her death to die in the first place.

Three dings!

I’m not sure it makes any sense, but okay. 😊


For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:

"Marvelous Tales #16" Sylvia’s Silver Ballet Box
The Darker Side of the Street (Part One)
"Marvelous Tales #17" The Mist of the Hidden Furlendwalk Green
“Marvelous Tales #18” The Meditating Bunny
Day 9: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: After Midnight
Day 10: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Splinter
Day 11: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Sleep
Day 12: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Some Change
Day 14: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Apricot
Day 15 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt White Cat

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