The Daisy House ~ Sims 4

Hi Everyone!

Do you feel like playing the Sims but don't want to have to build a house before you play or spend the time making a new family? This is a story about one Sim, her family, and house, that are now in the Gallery for any to use. The links to the house and family are at the bottom of this post.

Daisy's Story

Hello, my name is Daisy Harper.

I found myself single all of a sudden. Yup, the women alone story. It's a long story so I will not bore you with the facts..........
Except why didn't she make me a Hubby right away makes one wonder about her!

On with my story I go....she's pushy you know!

One of the first things I needed to find was a new home for my daughter, Lia, and cat Jax. Really? Lia and Jax? Who comes up with these names?!

Apartment living was not going to cut it anymore. With three of us in a small apartment, it was too cramped to be able to move the older Lia got. I mean to own a cat you need so many things! A litterbox, a bed, food bowl and more! They all take up so much room there is no room to explore.

I found a babysitter for Lia that fateful morning and set off, in high hopes, to go house hunting. I said a prayer to Saint Anthony to help me find the perfect home for Lia so she would be able to grow up happy and healthy. Well, I am a good Mom you know. I might be flighty and get lost in my head but a child is always the most important thing you know.

The first few homes I saw were so rundown and needed too much work for me to be able to do on my own but I didn't give up! Never give up! was whispered in my ear. Keeping the search going until late afternoon when I stopped at the last house on my list. Why she couldn't just click me on the best house first is beyond my control!

Before me was a tiny home. It only had one bedroom and bath but it had a feeling about it that drew me in. Thank God I thought my feet are dead. All this clicking and traveling was banging in my head!

As I was looking around me I could see all the possibilities of the place. It just needed some love to make it into a home. Love, I have ten times over to share with my family in our newest endeavor.

The house was in good repair as the Gentleman that owned it was into flipping houses for a living. Noooooooo, I know where your minds went and this wasn't them.

He offered a contract and if anything went wrong in the first year he would come back and fix it for free. Really? who made this guy up? What was he really Santa Clause? red suit and all? How do you think of these things to be made real? I thought to myself that night when I had my meal.

I had no idea how I became so lucky to find this man and the house. That night before I went home I signed the contract to move in. I was so happy to finally own a place of our own and be able to raise my family all on my own.

I moved our things in as best I could and brightened the place up with candles and paintings I made over the years.

I am creative and fun and love to cook.

This house though small will be our haven from the good and the bad that life throws our way.

We will endure the trials thrown in our path as long as we have each other the family will last.

And that is our story I hope you enjoyed it. We will finally have a wonderful Christmas this year!

If you like my family you can find us here. Along with our house full of cheer.

Too many and all we wish you well on your journey into 2018!


I hope you have enjoyed Daisy's story and her house. If you would like to play her, her family and house just click on the links above and it will take you to the Sims 4 Gallery where you can download them into your game.

I am hoping to create and share more homes and stories with you in the coming weeks. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I am making them.

Happy Gaming & Merry Christmas!

If you would like to see more of my Sims 4 post please check out the links below:

The perfect screenshot in Sims 4 pt 2~How to
The perfect screenshot in Sims 4~How to, Part 1
Always learning! ~ Sims 4
2 story vs 1 story houses~ Sims 4
How I build a house in Sims 4
Together in the clouds ~Sims 4

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