Together in the clouds ~Sims 4

Hi Everyone!

An update on the Bolin Family Legacy Challange.

Late last night both Red and Skye passed away.

Red was the first to go at 98 years of age. He was spending more and more time down by the park talking to Pappa Earl Bolin's ern. If you could not find him that was where he was. Just standing and nodding his head as if talking to Pappa Earl about all that had been happening.

Skye at 102 years of age was on an exercise kick and was hard to keep track of unless she walked by Red and then she would stop, give him a kiss and then with her head in the clouds wander away.

They both, late one night, snuck up to the top of the roof and went for a Rocket ride. I was laughing so hard as they did it all on their own. Poor Red had a blast but then I got a warning that he was so exhausted he might die and WHAT was I thinking letting him WooHoo in a spaceship at his age!

I quickly sent them both to bed to bed with smiles on their faces.

It's weird how attached you get to them even though you know they are not real and it's a game. Things like the Rocket though make them a bit more real? So Kodo's to Sims 4 there!

Red and Skye's other children become young adults all at the same time plus Luna's firstborn aged up to a child already with no toddler skills to speak of!

I don't know if it was all the death's in the family that triggered something in the game but now he is really going to need to work his bum off in school to get good grades!

When Rusty, Skye's 2nd son, became a young adult he left the house and took Fred, the dog, with him.

Fred needed to get out of the country. He had been bitten two times by squirrels and had to go to the Vet, which cost 750$ per visit, to get a shot to make him better. I'm hoping he makes a better city dog!

Cherish, the youngest daughter was causing all kinds of trouble between Luna and Trevor. As soon as she turned to a young adult, she too has moved off on her own.

We will see how Trevor does alone now. Luna has caught him flirting on more than one occasion and it's not a pretty sight when she get's mad! LOL

Luna and Trevor's second child was a daughter. It was funny because this time Luna just went alone to the Hospital while Trevor slept through it all!

When she got home The Butler pushed Luna out of the way, changed the babies diaper and fed her. Luna just looked at the Butler and went off to bed!

So on to the third generation of the Bolin family we go! Will they make it? I have No idea! loll


Skye and Red now have a permanent place in the Park. They were very different Sim's but worked very well together to raise a family and keep the house growing by leaps and bounds.

Skye's head was always in the clouds thinking and Red was the grounded one that took very good care of her and the rest of the house.

They will both be missed more then I can say.

Happy Gaming!

If you care to read more about the Bolin Legacy and my other Sims 4 posts please follow the links below.

And he went hunting
Sims and my love for the Butler!
The Day the Music died...Sims 4
Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4
Time out! ~ Sims 4
And the World Turns~Sims 4
Going broke and Masterpiece paintings ~Sims 4
The Date! and making movies in Sims 4
The things I do for friends and fun! ~ Sims 4
Transferring & saving Sims
Love is in the Air? ~ Sims 4
Grandma Skye! ~ Sims 4
Cats and Dogs

Thank you all for being a part of this with me!

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