My Tiny Garden - mini Phalaenopsis orchids + very basic orchid care.

This type of orchids are the most popular and easy to grow. The more you neglect them - they better they will do (most of the time).
But Phalaenosis are not only those big plants, with long and very wide leaves that grow flower spikes up up up and have many, big flowers on them. There are also medium and very mini types. And I have two of the very small ones.

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They are so small... hmm.. one leaf is probably the size of a chicken egg. When they bloom they are not taller than a fork and they will just a few, terribly cute flowers :)

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Their care is the same as the normal, big Phalaenopsis hybrids (yes, the one you can buy in any supermarket is a complex hybrid created to be pretty, and easy to care for).

  • They like tight, small pots with bark that will dry out within few days.
  • Water them only after the roots in the pot turn silveish/grey. After they drink they will turn green.
  • Give them enough light, but no direct sunlight - it will burn the little leaves.
  • From time to time feed your plant with some orchid food.
  • They also like a bit cooler temperatures in winter. That will trigger the flower spike to grow.
    And that is basically it :)

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Remember that not all orchids are the same. Some require different environment, light and watering schedule. But since Phalaenopsis are the most popular and I wanted to show my two mini ones I thought I will give some basic tips.
If you have a different plant, check online or ask someone what she will like before you kill it ;)

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All photos taken with Nikon D5500 and Sigma 105mm.

Previously on My Tiny Garden

Dendrobium Kingianum orchid in bloom
Echeveria Pilosa with a black buddy
It's Periwinkle time!
Pink Cosmos flower
Most beautiful orchid buds
Nigella in 3 colours

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