How High is the Snow? :: Haiku of Japan #77

iku tabi mo yuki no fukasa wo tazunekeri

repeatedly I ask
how high
is the snow

(Tr. David LaSpina)

"Snow at Tsukijima" by Hasui Kawase.jpg
("Snow at Tsukijima" by Hasui Kawase)

This is one of four haiku Shiki wrote in 1896 as he laid on his back, unable to so much as turn his head without incredible pain from the tuberculosis as it attacked his spinal cord. I previously translated another of these four here. In this one we can feel his passion for the snow and yearning to see it as he begs his mother and sister to give more details for his mind's eye.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!
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Who is David?
Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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