Late New Year's :: Haiku of Japan #72

hiru-goro ni ganjitsu ni naru iori kana

close to noon
new years day starts
at my hermitage

(Tr. David LaSpina)

(Print by Tsuchiya Koitsu)

In Japan I think the ideal image is to great the New Year with the dawn. First sunrise! Then they will trek to the nearby shrine for the first shrine visit of the year, praying for good luck and buying charms. People are all about firsts with the new year.

Issa, however, embraces his laziness, letting us know he didn't even wake up till noon. With all the New Year's parties and drinking in the West, I think his sleeping in on this auspicious day wouldn't be as surprising to most of us.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!

#1–10 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #1
#11–20 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #2
#21–30 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #3
#31—40 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #4
#41–50 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #5
#51—60 — Haiku of Japan :: Collection #6
#61 — Turncoat Umbrella
#62 — Ten Autumns
#63 — Scattering Leaves
#64 — Gravekeeper
#65 — To Kill an Ant
#66 — Frosty Rose
#67 — Don't Give Up
#68 — Matsushima
#69 — Meeting With the Buddha
#70 — Winter Wind

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Who is David?
Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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